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Dispute Information Request Form FAQ

Why do I need to fill out an information request form?

When your customer initiates a payment dispute, their bank contacts us to get more information about the transaction. We then reach out to you to pass on this request. The bank is looking for any supporting evidence you may have about the transaction, such as contracts, invoices, email correspondence, and signed proof of delivery. The more evidence you can provide, the better chance you have of winning the dispute.

Why does the form need to be completed in English?

The reviewing banks require dispute responses to be provided in English. For liability reasons, we are not able to translate responses on your behalf.

What if I don’t have all the requested information?

Fill out the form to the best of your ability. Providing evidence that clearly and directly disproves your customer’s claim will increase your chances of winning the dispute. Be sure to select the ‘Submit’ button when you have finished filling out the form.

Can my team members answer a dispute information request form on my behalf?

Yes, your team members can view and answer a dispute for you. You can turn on this permission under Reports in your online Square Dashboard.

Learn more about payment dispute permissions.

How long does the dispute process take?

As soon as you send us your transaction information, we’ll forward it on to your customer’s bank. It’s up to your customer’s bank to resolve the case, and it can take up to 90 days for them to inform us of their decision. We’ll notify you of the ruling by email (and on your Disputes Dashboard) as soon as we hear about it.

Can I access my disputes on mobile?

Yes. You can view the status of the dispute, all the documents you uploaded, and what’s next in the dispute process on your Disputes Dashboard or your mobile device.

Note: This feature is currently available for iOS devices only.

Why are the disputed funds being held?

When your customer’s card-issuing bank notifies us about the payment dispute, they automatically debit the disputed amount from Square. We then place an immediate hold on the disputed funds and let you know of the dispute right away. If your available Square balance is less than the disputed amount, the funds are debited from the bank account linked to your Square account.

The disputed amount will be held for the duration of the dispute process. We will then release the funds back to you as soon as we receive notice that the dispute has been resolved in your favor. If the case is resolved in your customer’s favor, the held funds will be returned to your customer.

As noted in our Terms of Service, Square is not liable for any overdraft fees you may incur from debits to your bank account. To prevent any unwanted fees, please be sure to keep enough funds in your linked bank account to cover your largest transaction.