
Class Booking with Square Appointments

Square Appointments Plus and Premium subscribers can set up class bookings from their online Square Dashboard.

Create a Class

  1. From your online Square Dashboard, click Payments > Appointments > Calendar.

  2. Click Create or click a time slot directly on the calendar.

  3. Select Class from the Event Type dropdown at the top of the page.

  4. Under ‘Class details’, click the Class name.

  5. Select + Add new class.

  6. Enter a class name, category, description, price and any applicable VAT.

  7. Click Save.

These fields are visible to your clients when they book online.

Note: staff will need access to edit items in order to create a new Class. To enable this, from your Square Dashboard go to Staff > Team > Permissions. Select the appropriate permission name and then enable Items permissions.

Schedule a Class

  1. After creating a class or selecting an existing one on the Create class page, continue to the Class schedule section.

  2. Enter a date, start time and end time for the class.

  3. If this is a recurring class, click Set repetition and select the cadence (daily, weekly, monthly).

  4. Click Save.

  5. Enter the number of available spots and select the instructor.

  6. Click Save.

Once you create a class, you can schedule multiple sessions by repeating the steps above. You can also easily schedule new sessions of a class. To do so:

  1. open an existing session of the class.

  2. Click ••• and select Add a new class schedule.

  3. Save the date, time, repetition, capacity and instructor for the new schedule.

Book a Class Online

When you create and schedule a class with Square Appointments, you will see a Classes tab appear on your online booking site. Clients can click Classes on your site to view a week-by-week calendar of your upcoming classes.

Once a customer books a class, you will receive a confirmation email and they will appear as an attendee within that class on your Square Dashboard and in your Square Appointments POS app.

You can also link directly to your class online booking flow. To access this link:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, click Payments > Appointments > Online Booking > Channels.

  2. Toggle on Enable online booking.

  3. Select Manage > View class booking flow.

Edit a Class

  1. From your Square Dashboard, select Payments > Appointments > Calendar.

  2. Click on a class session you want to edit.

  3. Select ••• then click Edit.

  4. Under ‘Class details’, click the pencil icon to edit any details.

  5. Click Save.

Any changes to class details immediately apply to all scheduled sessions of this class. Changes to price and VAT only apply to new bookings.

Edit a Class Schedule

You can also edit class schedules from your calendar. If the class schedule is recurring, you cannot edit the date, start or end time, or repetition, but you can cancel any future individual session or all future scheduled classes in the series. If the class is an individual class, you can change the date, start time or end time for the class.

For individual or recurring class schedules, you can edit the spots available and the assigned instructor (Staff). You can save these changes to just an individual future session or all future sessions.

If you make changes to the date, time, location or duration of a class after you create a class, any existing bookings for that class are automatically cancelled and refunded.

To edit a class schedule:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, click Payments > Appointments > Calendar.

  2. Click the class session you want to edit or cancel.

  3. Make any changes and select Save.

Cancel a Class

  1. From your Square Dashboard, click b > Appointments > Calendar.

  2. Select the class you want to edit.

  3. From the edit class screen, select Actions.

  4. Click Cancel class.

  5. To view your cancelled classes, click the gear icon and toggle on View Cancelled Appointments.

Set Cancellation Window

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Payments > Appointments > Settings > Calendar & Booking.

  2. Toggle on Clients may reschedule or cancel their own appointments.

  3. By cutting-off time for allowing clients to cancel or reschedule, click the drop-down arrow and select the cancellation cut-off time.

Note: currently, the other settings listed under Settings > Calendar & Booking > Online Schedulingdon’t apply to Classes.

Book Clients In-person

  1. From your Square Dashboard, select an existing class from your calendar and click Add Attendee.

  2. Search for the existing customer that you want to add or create a new customer.

  3. Select Take Payment to complete the payment at the time of booking or skip this step to take payment at a later time.

Confirmations and Reminders

Both the employee assigned to the class and the owner will receive an email or text message notification when a new client books the class. 

When a client books or cancels a class, they will also receive confirmation notifications via email or text message.

View Class Sales

To view class sales reports, log in to your Square Dashboard and select Reports > Category Sales.

Note: functions such as Waitlists, ClassPass, Instagram, Reserve with Google integrations, Google Calendar Sync and automatically attaching contracts with bookings are not currently available.