
Manage team member documents

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the team management permission to manage team members. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Shifts Plus and Square Team Communication subscribers
  • About team member documents

    With Square Shifts Plus and Square Team Communication, you can store and manage team member documents. Once uploaded, your team members can view these documents in the Square Team app. Team member documents may include hiring and onboarding materials, certifications, employment records and more.

    Before you begin

    • You can manage documents from the Square Dashboard and Square Team app.

    • Files can be up to 25 MB in size.

    • Documents will be visible to you and team members with the “View team member documents” permission.

    To permanently delete a team member’s document, contact privacy@squareup.com. Make sure to retain any documents you’re required to keep based on applicable employment law.

    Upload a document

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Staff > Team > Team members.
    2. Select a team member.
    3. Click the Documents tab, then click Upload document.
    4. Drag and drop or select a file to upload.
    5. Click Upload.

    Square Team app

    1. Tap Me > Documents.
    2. Tap Add document or (+) and tap Scan documents, Take photo, Upload photo, or Upload document.
    3. Click the pencil icon to rename the document, if needed.
    4. Tap Done.

    Download a document

    1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Staff > Team > Team members.

    2. Select a team member.

    3. Select Documents.

    4. Select a document and select (•••) by the name of the document.

    5. Select Download.

    Delete a document

    Square Dashboard

    1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Staff > Team > Team members.
    2. Select a team member.
    3. Select Documents.
    4. Select a document and select (•••) next to the name of the document.
    5. Select Delete.

    Square Team app

    1. Tap Me > Documents.
    2. Select (•••) next to the name of the document, then tap Delete.
    3. Tap Delete again to confirm.

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