Manage your manual surcharge settings
With automatic surcharges, you can automatically pass on processing fees associated with card payments. You can also create automatic service charges to recover costs associated with doing business on weekends or public holidays.
If you’ve already set up manual sales taxes, service charges or auto-gratuity (on Square for Restaurants), follow this guide to delete existing manual service charge workarounds from your online Square Dashboard or Square Point of Sale app.
Delete from Dashboard
To delete any existing card surcharge related sales taxes from your online Square Dashboard:
- Go to Account & Settings > Business information > Sales taxes on your online Square Dashboard.
- Select the tax you wish to remove.
- Click Actions > Delete tax > Confirm.
- If you have multiple card surcharge related sales taxes, repeat the steps above.
To delete any existing card surcharge related service charges from your online Square Dashboard:
- Go to Account & Settings > Business information > Service charges on your online Square Dashboard.
- Click ••• next to the service charge you wish to remove.
- Click Edit > Delete service charge.
- Click Confirm to confirm.
If you were previously using auto-gratuity as a workaround to pass on card surcharges to your customers, you can now toggle it off to use automatic card surcharging instead.
To delete automatic gratuity from your online Square Dashboard:
- Go to Device management > Service settings > Automatic Gratuity.
- Untoggle Allow Automatic Gratuity to delete.
Delete from Point of Sale
To delete any existing card surcharge related sales taxes from your Square Point of Sale app:
- From the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen, tap ≡ More > Settings > Checkout > Sales taxes.
- Select the relevant sales tax to delete.
- Scroll down and select Delete tax from this location.
- Tap Confirm delete tax.
Note: Once you delete a sales tax, this cannot be undone.
You cannot create or delete Service Charges from the Point of Sale. Follow the steps from the ‘Delete from Dashboard’ section above to action via your online Square Dashboard.
If you were previously using auto-gratuity as a workaround to pass on card surcharges to your customers, you can now toggle it off to use automatic card surcharging instead.
To delete automatic gratuity from your point of sale:
- Go to Device management > Service settings > Automatic Gratuity.
- Untoggle Allow Automatic Gratuity to delete.
Once you’ve deleted the relevant sales taxes, service charges, or auto-gratuity (on Square for Restaurants), learn how to create and apply automatic surcharges to card transactions.