
Add a cookie banner to Square Online with third-party code

Browser cookies help websites keep track of your visits and activity. A website might use cookies to keep a record of your most recent visit or to record your login information.

A cookie banner (or preference centre) is the consent management module on websites that allows users to give their consent to which cookies and trackers they will allow on their device. For example, in the European Union, websites and apps that store or access information on a user’s device (e.g. through cookies) must ask for and obtain their explicit consent to do so.

Here, you’ll learn how to add a cookie banner to your site using third-party code. You can also learn how to add a cookie banner to Square Online with Cookiebot, our integrated cookie banner provider.

Add a cookie banner with code

Square Online allows you to be compliant with consumer privacy data laws by enabling you to work with third-party cookie banner providers. To add a cookie banner to your site, sign up with a third-party cookie banner provider of your choice such as Legal Monster, CookieHub or CookiePro.

Once signed up, they'll provide you with a code to add to your site. To use the code:

  1. From your Square Online Overview page, go to Website > Site Preferences.

  2. Under Cookie Consent, select Set up cookie consent.

  3. Choose the Custom banner code option and select Next to continue.

  4. Add your cookie banner code and select Save when finished.

Default cookies on Square Online

On the third-party cookie banner service, you may be asked to scan your website and categorise the cookies identified on your website. Here is some information to help you categorise your cookies. Square Online sets the following cookies on your site:

Cookie name Category Description
PublishedSiteSession Strictly necessary Set after user auth to site to access locked page or site
publishedsite-xsrf Strictly necessary Help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks
websitespring-xsrf Strictly necessary Help with site security in preventing Cross-Site Request Forgery attacks
sp Performance and analytical cookies For analytics tracking
_savt Functionality cookies Anonymous visitor token generated when visiting site for first time
language Functionality cookies Used to determine the language
editor_session Functionality cookies For popups
sto-id-editor Functionality cookies Used by the load balancers to pin a user/session to a given server
sto-id-designer Functionality cookies Used by the load balancers to pin a user/session to a given server
sto-id-trumpet Functionality cookies Used by the load balancers to pin a user/session to a given server
gdpr-kb Functionality cookies For GDPR script
_snow_id Performance and analytical cookies For analytics tracking
_snow_ses Performance and analytical cookies For analytics tracking
srv_domainuserid Performance and analytical cookies For analytics tracking

In addition, we may set the following localStorage for shopping and order online functionality:

localStorage name Category Description
viewedProducts Functionality cookies Store buyer recently viewed products
order-online:selected-location Functionality cookies Store buyer selected location
order-online:buyer-location-info Functionality cookies Store buyer location for pickup/delivery
order-online:order_notes Functionality cookies Store order notes
order-online:dine-in Functionality cookies Store buyer seat ID for QR code ordering
fulfilment-selection Functionality cookies Store buyer fulfilment type to auto set when visiting site again
product-detail:entry-route Strictly necessary Store page that buyer is on before they navigate to product page so mobile ‘X’ button can navigate out
site-visitor-uuid Performance and analytical cookies For analytics tracking

UK and EU Requirements

If you’re located in the UK or EU, or expect visitors from these regions, you must set up a cookie consent banner on your website for GDPR compliance. Learn more about GDPR and Square Online.

Disclaimer: The information provided herein is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. It has not been prepared with your specific circumstances in mind and therefore may not be suitable for use with your business. By relying on the information contained in this article, you assume all risk and liability that may result. Consult a legal expert regarding your obligations under any data privacy law to receive guidance tailored to your specific needs.

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