Set and update unit costs
About setting unit costs with purchase orders
With Square for Retail Plus, the unit cost for the items is automatically saved when you receive stock using a purchase order.
Before you begin
Tracking your unit cost is only available with a subscription to Square for Retail. If you don’t have a subscription yet, you can sign up for a free 30-day trial.
Once you have signed up, before you can take advantage of the reports available with Inventory Plus, you need to set a unit cost for each item in your library.
Set and edit unit costs
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Item library.
Search and select an inventory item to adjust.
Scroll down to Variations, then click Receive stock.
Under Manage stock, choose a location to adjust inventory for.
Next to Stock action, click Stock received.
Enter the stock quantity, vendor name (optional), and the unit cost.
Configure any other variation setting, then click Done.
Bulk edit unit cost for variations
Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Items & services (or Items & menus or Items & inventory) > Items > Item library.
Select the relevant items, then click Edit items.
Scroll to Unit cost and enter the new unit costs.
Click Update variations.
You can also set your unit costs when you Receive a purchase order with Square for Retail.