
Loyalty Text Message Marketing

Text Campaigns are one-time texts that are sent to your customers. Select the type of blast campaign you’d like to send, then customize the wording and coupon.

To send Text Message Marketing campaigns:

  1. Visit Marketing in your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Click Create Campaign and select Text Message.

  3. Select Offer a Coupon under Blast Campaigns

  4. If it’s your first time, select a business name that the text will be sent from (to change this in the future, go to your Settings tab).

  5. Edit the message and set the details of the coupon you wish to send (a coupon is required).

  6. Review and then select Send Now or Schedule to send the text later.

Create an Image (MMS Message) Campaign

  1. Visit Customers > Marketing in your online Square Dashboard .

  2. Click Create Campaign and select Send a custom message.

  3. Create the text message and add the image.

  4. Add a name for your campaign and select your audience.

  5. Click Send Now.

Important Notes:

To use this feature, you must be subscribed to Square Loyalty (as well as Square Marketing). Feel free to start a 30-day free trial if you aren’t using Loyalty or Marketing already.

Text campaigns are not location specific and all customers who are opted-in will be messaged simultaneously, regardless of their timezone. Please keep this in mind when sending texts, particularly if you have locations across multiple time zones.