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BestRx and Square

Square has partnered with Cardinal Health — a leader in healthcare — delivering products and solutions to improve the lives of people every day. The mission is to bring fast, painless, and secure payment processing to independent retail pharmacies. 

This integration drives modern payment processing for pharmacies from Square and Cardinal Health or with integrated partners like BestRx. Use this guide to learn how to start taking payments.

Get Started

First, make sure you have completed these all steps to qualify for special rates for Cardinal Health customers.

  1. Fill out the Cardinal Health Onboarding Form.

  2. Fill out the Square Onboarding Form by clicking Let's get started.

  3. Create a Square account upon completing the form above.

  4. Confirm less than 20% of your sales are processed online (card not present).

    • Note: If more than 20% of your sales are processed online, do not proceed with these setup instructions. A Square salesperson will reach out to you separately.

  5. Purchase a Square Terminal device.

Configure your Square account

Sign in to your online Square Dashboard using a web browser such as Google Chrome or Safari. Once you're logged in, follow the checklist below to configure your Square account.

Update Account Profile

Update your account settings to match your business information.

  1. Go to Account & Settings > Business > Locations.
  2. Click on the relevant location to update your information such as an address, contact information or opening hours. If you haven’t set up your locations, click Create Location.
  3. Click Save.

Note: Your “Location Business Name” is the name that will appear on your customers’ credit card statements. Enter a business name that your customers will recognize.

For more details on how to update your Square account profile, visit our support center article.

Link a Bank Account

You can link or edit a bank account from your online Square Dashboard. To do so:

  1. Go to Account & Settings > Account > Bank Accounts.
  2. Click Add Bank Account and follow the prompts for bank verification.

Configure Transfer Settings

  1. Go to Account & Settings > Business > Transfers.
  2. Update your transfer preferences per location.
  3. Click Save.

Learn more about Square’s transfer options.

Confirm Taxpayer Information

  1. Go to Account & Settings > Business > Tax Forms.
  2. Click Add and enter your tax information as it would appear on a letter from the IRS.
  3. Click Save.

Learn more on how to update your taxpayer identification number.

If Applicable, Complete SIGIS Setup

Other payment types and certain HSA/FSA cards can still be processed during this step, but this additional SIGIS step will ensure the best possible authorization rates for HSA/FSA cards.

Receive Unique Merchant ID

  1. Send email to BestRx and Square teams by emailing both sigis-cert@bestrx.com and square-pharmacy-onboarding@squareup.com — this will coordinate SIGIS registration next steps.
  2. Square will follow up with more details and share a Unique Merchant ID. This will take approximately one week.

Register with SIGIS

  1. Log into SIGIS.
  2. Click Add New TPS Certification.
  3. Select your software version (BestRx).
  4. Select the appropriate Acquirer (Chase Paymentech - Square’s Acquiring bank for these purposes).
  5. Enter the Merchant ID (from steps above).
  6. Follow any additional steps to submit the certification.
  7. Share the confirmation email and a screenshot of successful SIGIS TPS Registration with the Square team (via Onboarding Alias: square-pharmacy-onboarding@squareup.com.
    • If the seller does not have this available, they can contact the SIGIS helpdesk at 905-855-3228.
    • Subject line of that email needed to confirm registration is SIGIS TPS Form: Certified - PHARMACY NAME.

Wait for SIGIS completion

While the pharmacy (assuming hardware is already ordered and BestRx integration has been completed) can begin accepting payments as soon as the account is created and hardware is setup, the HSA/FSA acceptance rates will remain relatively low until SIGIS process is finalized with Card Brands. The current Card Brand SLA is 45 Days.

Note: If desired, this SIGIS process can be done early in the process so that any waiting is done prior to the pharmacy going live. There are no issues with registering an additional acquirer with SIGIS and Square has no monthly/initial setup charges.

Square Terminal Setup

Once you receive your Square Terminal, follow the instructions below to link BestRx with you Square account to start using your device.

Set up Square on BestRx

To set up Square as your payment processor on BestRx:

  1. From your BestRx Point of Sale, navigate to Setup (F2) then select Payment Processor.
  2. Select Square as an option from the Payment Processor dropdown. Square and Cardinal Health Integration - BestRx Dashboard - Payment Processor - EN-US
  3. Enter the Application ID, Access key and Location ID provided by Square.
  4. Select Add New Device and enter your Daily Password.
  5. Enter your device name. Note: The device name can be anything, but it’s recommended to use the register number to easily identify a device if you have multiple. Square and Cardinal Health Integration - BestRx Dashboard - Device Code - EN-US
  6. Click Create Code to generate the Device Code that will be used to sign in on your Square Terminal.

Set up Square Terminal

  1. Lift your Square Terminal out of the box and remove the plastic wrap. 
  2. Your Square Terminal should arrive fully charged and ready to use. Press and hold the power button on the left side of the Square Terminal for three seconds.
  3. Charge your Square Terminal by plugging the power adapter cable into the power adaptor and plugging the other end of the power adaptor cable into a power outlet.
  4. Connect the Square Terminal to your Wi-Fi network:
    • Follow the Get Started prompts on your device. 
    • Select Wi-Fi and choose your network. Enter a password if necessary, then tap Next.
  5. Tap Sign In on the Square Terminal and then tap Use Device Code.
  6. Enter the device code generated by BestRx POS then tap Sign In.
  7. Once you see a Square logo followed by the words, “Powered by Square,” you are ready to use your Square Terminal to accept credit and debit card payments, including HSA and FSA cards.

Square Terminal Resources

Visit the following support center articles to learn how to get the best out of your Square Terminal:


Square Customer Success is available to you 24 hours, 7 days a week. You can call the priority support line at (855)-700-6000.

For technical issues beyond the scope of the helpline, inquiries may be directed to cardinalhealth-squaresupport@squareup.com.