View item, category and modifiers sales reports
About item, category, and modifiers sales reports
When you create your items, categories, or modifiers, you can view the corresponding reports, which will provide detailed insights for each attribute.
Before you begin
You need to create items, categories, or modifiers to view each report.
Each report includes these filter options:
All day: Select All day or Custom. If you configured your reporting hours, you can also select them.
All locations: Select All Locations or manually choose locations to review.
Summary: To compare sales within the set date range by day, week, or month, click Summary > Daily, Weekly, or Monthly. Scroll down to view a sales summary comparison.
Displayed By and Filtered By: Choose your display option. If you set up the name of your Device and Device Nickname, you can select them to view the reports.
You can view your API transactions in your sales summary by selecting Filter By > Source. Then select eCommerce Integrations from All Sources filter dropdown.
To learn analytics terms and definitions to better understand your reports, check out the Support Center article View sales summary, sales trends and payment methods reports.
View item sales reports
Item sales reports detail all items sold, including gross sales, net sales, SKUs, discounts, and total sold. Item sales reports are only available in your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Item Sales.
Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select the relevant filters to view your report.
You can click an item in your report to see an item drop-down menu with specific sales information on that item and all its variations.
View category sales reports
Category sales reports provide an overview of top-grossing categories and the number of items sold within each category. Category sales reports are only available in your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Category sales.
Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select the relevant filters to view your report.
Modifier sales reports
Modifier sales report list the top used modifiers for a given time period. Modifier sales report is only available in your Square Dashboard.
Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Reports > Modifier sales.
Use the date selector tool to refine a date range and select the relevant filters to view your report.