
Update Form 1099-K

In order to submit your Form 1099-K correction request, make sure to have a copy of an official bank statement on your bank’s letterhead which shows transfers from Square to your business. The statement can show any month from the year you’re requesting an updated Form 1099-K and should include your full bank statement.

  • If you are requesting to update multiple Form 1099-Ks, make sure to include a bank statement for each correlating year.

  • If you used multiple bank accounts in the year that needs correction, please provide a statement for each bank account you received transfers from Square.

Your bank statement(s) must clearly show:

  1. Official bank letterhead with your bank’s logo.

  2. The bank holder’s name and address. Note: The bank account holder’s name and address need to match the name/information in your Square Dashboard under Taxpayer Information for the updated Form 1099-K.

  3. The bank account number or the last 3 digits of the account if you’re using a credit union.

  4. Transfers from Square in the same year as your requested Form 1099-K correction.


You can call Square Support on 1-855-700-6000. We’re available from Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. PT.

For sellers who subscribe to Square Online’s Premium plan, you get access to 24/7 phone support in English.

There may be a wait when you call, so feel free to use our callback option if you can’t wait on the line.


Often the fastest way to contact Square Support, messaging is the preferred support method of many Square sellers. Start your chat by providing our support team with information about your business’s needs. Once you’ve reached out, Square will pair you with the first available Square Support advocate for support.

From your Square App:

  1. Tap ≡ More.
  2. Tap Support > Get help.
  3. Tap the chat icon to begin a chat.

Note: You can navigate back to your chat session by tapping the chat icon from your in-app support menu at any time.

To get messaging support from your computer:

  1. Sign in and visit squareup.com/help.
  2. Click Contact in the top right.
  3. Select an option or type “contact” at any time to speak with a live agent.

Once your prior year Form 1099-K correction request is approved, generally allow 30-60 days to receive the corrected form. Any prior year corrections submitted near or during tax season (January through April) will take additional time to process.

Learn more about taxpayer information, qualifying and viewing your Form 1099-K, and general tax reporting procedures with Square.