Connect to FedEx or UPS with Square Online
With Real Time Shipping in Square Online, you can connect your account to FedEx or UPS to fulfill your orders.
Learn more about setting up shipping with Square Online.
Before you begin
For more information on managing shipping rates in Account & Settings, check out how to Set up shipping rate profiles.
Connect to FedEx
Connecting your FedEx account to Square Online to use Real Time Shipping and print shipping labels requires two things: a FedEx account number and a FedEx meter number.
Account number: To locate your FedEx account number, go to and click on your account name. Click My Profile > Account Management to find your account number on the page.
Meter number: To locate your FedEx meter number, go to the FedEx Developer Resource Center and click on Move to Production > Get Production Key. Answer the application questions, then complete the rest of the form with your information and agree to the terms. You’ll need to enter your FedEx account number during this process. Once you’ve submitted the form, you’ll see your meter number on the confirmation page. You’ll also receive an email with the same information, which you may want to save for future reference.
Note: For additional help getting your FedEx information, take a look at FedEx customer support.
Connect your account

With the account and meter numbers handy, you can connect Square Online to FedEx. To start:
From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.
Under "Shipping carriers," select Manage.
Select FedEx to enter your Account Number and Meter Number in the corresponding text fields.
Select Save when finished.
Connect to UPS
Connecting your UPS account to Square Online to use Real Time Shipping and print shipping labels requires a UPS account number. To find your account number:
Take a look at any recent invoices from UPS.
Review the tracking code for anything you’ve shipped with this account. A UPS tracking code typically looks like "1Z4Y5D301221185116." Your account number will be the 6 characters after "1Z." For example, the account number in this tracking code is "4Y5D30."
Note: For additional help getting your UPS information, take a look at UPS online support.
Connect your account

With the account number handy, you can connect Square Online to UPS. To start:
From your Square Online Overview page, go to Fulfillment > Shipping.
Under "Shipping carriers," select Manage.
Select UPS and enter your information into the text fields to create a new account. If you already have a UPS account, select What if I already have a UPS account? and select Connect an existing account. Fill out the form with your information including your UPS account number.
Select Create account or Connect account when finished.