
Convert stock with Square for Retail

Who’s this article for?
This article is for business owners and their team members with inventory permissions who want to track and convert different units of goods they sell in their Item Library. This is a feature available with Square for Retail Plus. Learn more about Square Staff and custom permissions.

About stock conversion

You can track inventory for goods you sell in multiple units by utilising the stock conversion feature in your Item Library. For example, if your retail business sells wine by the bottle and by the glass, you can now track all of your inventory on a single item variation so that whether you sell it by the bottle or by the glass, the inventory is reduced.

Before you begin

In order to convert stock, you need to update item variations. You can create or edit item variations from the item page in your Square Dashboard. Learn how to Create and Manage Items from Square Dashboard and Import Items Online.

Convert stock into multiple units

To get started:

  1. Navigate to Items & Orders > Items > Item Library tab of your Square Dashboard.

  2. Select an existing item or click Create an item.

  3. Add unit to your item variations:

    • If your item has no variations: in the Variations section, select Add to access the "Create variation" view and enter the variation information.

    • If your item contains one or multiple variations: select the variation name(s) and from the Edit variation details modal, select Add unit.

  4. Select a unit, or create a new one by typing in the unit type, like "glass".

  5. Under the Conversion section, enter in the conversion details specific to the item variation. For example, a conversion for a bottle of wine might be "4 glasses is equal to 1 bottle".

  6. Click Done to save.

If you are tracking stock for an item, the stock column in the Variations table will display the quantity of that item available in each unit. (In the example above, there are either 12.5 bottles of wine available, or 50 glasses available).

You can add multiple units to any item that does not use Item options. This process can be repeated for any additional items sold in multiple units.

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