Save Your Payment Card with a Square Seller
If you shop or do business with a Square seller regularly, you’re able to store your payment card information for a hassle free checkout experience. Learn everything you need to know about saving your payment card information.
Card on File Security
Square’s approach to security is designed to protect you with industry-leading standards for fraud protection. We keep your information safe and notify you anytime your saved payment card is charged so you can review your purchases, revoke authorisation if you choose, and be on the lookout for unauthorised transactions. Learn more about Square’s security practices.
Card on File Email Notifications
When you first approve a merchant to save your card information, you will be required to provide your email address and your card’s billing postcode. Your email address will be used to notify you when your card is stored, if your email address is changed, when a payment is made using your stored payment card, and for marketing or other messages from this merchant.
Card on File - Square Pay
Square Pay allows you to save and reuse your billing information during checkout with a Square Online website. The saved information is linked to the email and mobile phone number you enter during checkout, and includes your name, address and payment card details. When you opt in to Square Pay, you can access your saved information during checkout with Square Online. Setup is simple, and you can delete your information at any time. Learn more about how to save payment information with Square Pay.
Unlink or Delete Your Payment Card
To unlink your card from a Square seller, click the card dashboard hyperlink of your original authorisation email. The email is titled Your card has been linked by [Square Seller]— if you didn't receive this email, check your spam or junk folder.

From your card dashboard, you can view or remove your payment cards linked to a Square seller. If you can't access your card dashboard, contact contact Square Support.