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View Square for Franchises franchise reports

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the Square for Franchises Merchant Super Admins and Store Admins roles. Set roles in your Square for Franchises dashboard.
  • Square for Franchises Subscribers
  • About franchise reports

    You can view reports and metrics related to your Square franchises with a wide range of data on various aspects of your business.

    You can access reports on the merchant level or by location. On the merchant level, you can select and view data on one, some, or all of your locations and compare based on item sales, discounts, modifiers, and loyalty rewards. 

    For franchises, you can view reports for:

    • Sales

    • Payments

    • Items

    • Categories

    • Modifiers

    • Discounts

    • Loyalty

    • Gift cards

    Before you begin

    Reports for Square for Franchises are only available through your Square for Franchises dashboard.

    Reports are also available for online orders. Learn how to view Square for Franchise online ordering reports.

    View franchise reports

    1. Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard, then go to Reports, and select Franchise Reports.

    2. Select a reporting topic, like Items or Discounts.

    3. You can filter data by selecting Locations and predefined or custom time periods. Some topics may have additional filters. For example, you can filter Items data by total item sales, store specific item sales, and item sales comparison.

    4. Select Export to download a CSV file of the report.

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