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Apply loyalty rewards to a sale

Who is this article for?
  • Sellers with the customers permission to apply loyalty rewards to a sale. Set permissions in Square Dashboard.
  • Square Loyalty subscribers.
  • About applying loyalty rewards to a sale

    Applying loyalty rewards to a sale enhances customer satisfaction, drives sales, fosters repeat business, and provides competitive differentiation. It's a win-win strategy that strengthens the relationship between your business and your loyal customers while also driving business growth.

    Before you begin 

    There are two options for redeeming customers' loyalty rewards:

    • You can manually redeem rewards from your point of sale app by searching for your customer's name, email address, or phone number, or by entering their reward code. Be sure you're using the most updated version of the Square POS app to access this feature.

    • Customers can check in and redeem rewards by tapping their smartphone on the customer display or on a contactless card reader during checkout if they have a loyalty pass added to their digital wallet.

    You can create up to 15 rewards for your loyalty program. If you already have 15 rewards on your account, you'll need to delete an existing reward in order to create and apply a new reward on your program.

    Your customer needs to meet the requirements of your loyalty program in order for the reward to be searchable in the Square POS app. If rewards are unavailable, No Matches Found will appear.

    Apply a reward to a current sale

    You can redeem rewards from your point of sale app by searching for your customer's name, email address, or phone number, or by entering their reward code.

    1. Visit your Item Library by tapping the Library button on the top of your Checkout screen.

    2. Tap Rewards.

    3. Enter your customer's phone number or name, or enter their email address to search for available rewards. If your customer would like to redeem a coupon but does not have the coupon code, you can search for it using their name, email, or phone number.

    4. Select rewards to apply them to your customer's cart. Multiple rewards of different types can be applied at the same time. For example, you can apply a reward for a percentage, and additionally a reward for a dollar amount on a single sale. If only one reward is available, that reward will automatically be applied. A single reward cannot be applied to more than one sale, even if the full reward is not redeemed.

    Your customer’s virtual punch card needs to be completed in order for the reward to be searchable in your point of sale app. If rewards are unavailable, No Matches Found will appear.

    Square Restaurants POS app

    1. Open the Checkout screen or select the bill that you’d like to add your customer to.
    2. Tap Actions > Rewards.
    3. Enter your customer’s name, email, or phone number to search for available rewards.
    4. Select rewards to apply them to the bill.

    Your customer’s reward will be applied to the current sale, and you can finish the transaction as you normally would.

    Remove a reward applied to a sale

    You can also view or remove rewards applied to a sale from the app's payment screen. Tap Discounts from your current sale to show the applied rewards and/or to remove them from the sale.

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