Monitor suspicious activity with your loyalty program
About loyalty suspicious activity
With Square, you can identify potentially suspicious activities happening with your loyalty program.
Before you begin
By default, suspicious activity monitoring is enabled for your loyalty program.
You can view suspicious activity in your Square Dashboard. Square account owners will receive a daily email if any customer loyalty account has more than 5 loyalty transactions per day. Your customer will appear as flagged on the suspicious activity page in Square Dashboard when their daily loyalty transactions meet or exceed the defined threshold.
View loyalty suspicious activity
Log in to Square Dashboard, then click Marketing & loyalty > Loyalty.
Click on Activity > Suspicious Activity.
Edit loyalty suspicious activity settings
Log in to Square Dashboard, then click Marketing & loyalty > Loyalty.
Click on Settings and scroll down to Suspicious Loyalty Activity.
Edit the number of loyalty transactions it will take to trigger an email to be sent out. This number can't be lower than 2.
Turn off loyalty suspicious activity monitoring
Log in to Square Dashboard, then click Marketing & loyalty > Loyalty.
Click on Settings and scroll down to Suspicious Loyalty Activity.
Toggle Suspicious Activity off.