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Edit existing purchase orders

Who is this article for?
  • Account owners or team members with the permission to create and edit purchase orders. Set permissions in the Square Dashboard.
  • Square for Retail Plus or Premium subscribers.
  • Sellers with retail mode enabled in the Square Point of Sale app.
  • About editing purchase orders

    With Square for Retail Plus and Premium subscriptions, you can update purchase orders to stock up on products, track vendors, and receive inventory.

    Before you begin

    Existing purchase orders can be purchase orders you received, created or previously imported. Learn how to:

    Edit purchase orders

    You can edit purchase orders from your Square Dashboard, Square POS app with retail mode enabled, or from the Square Retail POS app.

    From the Square Dashboard

    1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and go to Items & orders > Items > Inventory management > Purchase orders.
    2. Click the purchase order you wish to edit.
    3. Click Edit Order > update the order details.
    4. Click Save.

    Editing a purchase order does not automatically generate a new email to your vendor. To ensure they receive the updated order information:

    1. From Purchase Orders, click (•••) to the right of the purchase order.
    2. Click Send as Email.
    3. Include a note to explain that the purchase order has been updated.
    4. Click Send.

    Point of sale app

    You can also edit an existing Purchase Order directly from your point of sale app on any compatible device (iPhone, iPad, Square Terminal and Square Register). To get started:

    1. Tap Inventory from the Navigation bar at the bottom of your screen.
    2. Tap Purchase Orders > tap the appropriate purchase order under the “Active” list.
    3. Select the item(s) needing update to open the “Modify Receiving Item” screen.
    4. Edit the appropriate information and repeat those steps for any affected items.
    5. Tap Save to finish editing.

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