
Invite Other People to Help Edit a Site

If you’re working on a website with a group, you can invite any number of other people to help you build the site.


Under the Settings tab you’ll find a section called Editors. Here you can add the email addresses of your editors and they will receive an invite from you. Click the Add Editors button to get started.


Enter the email address of the people you’d like to invite. You can also add multiple people at the same time - just separate the email addresses with commas. The default permission level is Admin, but if you have a Pro subscription or higher, you can adjust the permissions for editors.


An Author can be limited so that they can only edit specific pages. You can allow them to edit all pages, just one of the pages or any number of pages in-between. Just check the box next to each page you’d like to allow them to edit. You can also disable their ability to Publish the site themselves so that you can look things over before their changes go live.

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Dashboard-Only invitees cannot edit the site, but can instead only view the stats, form entries and blog posts associated with it. You can even disable their access to any of this information.

Once you’ve finished selecting permissions, click the Save Editor button. Your invitees will receive an email that includes a link that they’ll need to click in order to access your site. You can also send them the invitation link directly if you prefer - just copy the Invitation URL from the list of editors in the Settings tab.


You can also see when your editors have last logged in from this section, or edit their permissions or even delete them if need be.