
PrestaShop and Square

PrestaShop — an open-source eCommerce solution used worldwide — integrates with Square so you can start selling online and grow quickly by joining their international community of 300,000 retailers. Sellers and developers are guaranteed a secure, scalable, flexible, and sustainable solution that is completely customisable with thousands of ready-made themes (or the option to create your own). Prestashop is available in over 75 languages and will help your eCommerce business succeed irrespective of your customers’ country or currency.


  • Manage your business online and offline. Integration with Square POS systems syncs your online and in-store orders, items and inventory. Use Order Manager to see all orders in one place – no matter where they originate. And Customer Directory syncs buyer contact info, sales history and more for enhanced analytics.

  • Accept multiple payment methods, including all major credit and debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Square gift cards.

  • Simplify the payment experience with built-in refunds and saving customer cards on file.

  • Gain peace of mind knowing Square is secure with end-to-end encryption and built-in SCA compliance.

Get Started

New to Square? Get started with €5,000 of free processing by creating a Square account.


For additional support on the PrestaShop and Square integration, you'll need to contact the developer who manages the integration.

Module Documentation

Download the Square module documentation for detailed setup instructions >

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