
Set up and manage Square Messages

About Square Messages

Square Messages allows you to create a single channel for all your communications with customers. There are two plans: Free and Plus.

With Square Messages Free, you can communicate with customers and reply to messages via text or email. This facilitates responding to customer feedback or receiving replies to service messages, such as receipts, appointment updates, invoices, retail orders, Square Online order updates, and loyalty status updates. You can send and receive photos with Square Messages Free.

With Square Messages Plus, you can reach customers through personalized communications. You can initiate text or email conversations with customers from your dedicated business phone number and receive voicemails from customers. In addition to photos, you can send and receive file attachments to customers through email conversations.

Before you begin

You can access Square Messages from:

  • Square Dashboard

  • Square Point of Sale (POS) app

  • Square Appointments POS app

  • Square for Restaurants POS app

  • Square for Retail POS app

  • Square Invoices POS app

Square Messages is also available on Square hardware, including:

  • Square Stand

  • Square Terminal

  • Square Register

When you start a conversation with your customer, you will be asked to confirm that you have consent from your customer to send a text message to their phone number. No action will be needed from your customer.

When you send a text message containing marketing content (such as a coupon), you will need to request consent from your customer to send marketing messages over text. This protects your customers from receiving unwanted marketing messages. Your customer will receive a text message asking them to confirm that they would like to receive messages from you. Once they confirm, they will receive a second text message to confirm that they would like to receive marketing content.

When you use Square Messages, you are subject to our Acceptable Use Policy, which may be found at section 1(II) in our Terms of Service.

Set up Square Messages Free

Tableau de bord Square

  1. Connectez-vous au Tableau de bord Square et cliquez sur l’ icône Messages dans la barre de navigation supérieure pour ouvrir votre boîte de réception Messages.
  2. Cliquez sur Démarrer.

Application Solution PDV Square

  1. Ouvrez l’application Solution PDV Square.
  2. Touchez Plus > Modules d’extension > Messages.
  3. Touchez Ajouter gratuitement.

Subscribe to Square Messages Plus

  1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and click the Icône Messages from the top navigation bar to open your Messages inbox.

  2. Click the gear icon and follow the prompts to get started.

  3. If you have multiple locations, choose which locations you'd like to allow access to Square Messages Plus and click Next.

  4. Add, update, and confirm your business information and click Next.

  5. Review the terms and toll-free number verification information.

  6. Select your subscription payment method or click Add new payment.

  7. Click Subscribe to sign up for Square Messages Plus and start your toll-free number verification process.

Manage Square Messages Plus

Manage locations

  1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Settings > Account & settings > Tarification et abonnements.

  2. Under Subscriptions, click Update Locations next to your Square Messages Plus plan.

  3. Check the box to add locations or uncheck the box to remove locations from your Square Messages Plus plan.

  4. Click Apply to locations.

Use a dedicated business number

When you subscribe to Square Messages Plus, you get a dedicated toll-free business number for each paid location, subject to an industry-wide, mandatory verification process. We request and submit the necessary business information to complete the verification process on your behalf. You will receive an email when there are updates to the verification status, which may include a successful verification, request for further information to resubmit your number for verification, or a failure of verification notice.

In the event that we request further information, review and resubmit your information as soon as possible since any delays extend your toll-free number verification process and delay your access to Square Messages Plus features.

To check the verification status of your business number(s):

  1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and click the Icône Messages from the top navigation bar to open your Messages inbox.

  2. Click the gear icon to open your Settings.

  3. View the verification status under Your business number.

Access and manage your voicemail

Square Messages Plus allows you to set up a customized voicemail greeting for your customers. When your customers call your dedicated business number, they hear this voicemail greeting and have an option to either leave a voicemail or request a follow up text. If your customer leaves you a voicemail, you can then playback customer voicemails, read the automatic transcription and reply to the voicemail directly in your conversations in Square Messages.

To access and manage your voicemail settings:

  1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and click the Icône Messages from the top navigation bar to open your Messages inbox.

  2. Click the gear icon to open your Settings.

  3. Click Play to listen to your current voicemail greeting.

To edit your voicemail greeting:

  1. Click Edit voicemail next to the business number(s) for which you want to manage voicemail settings.

  2. Click Record new greeting.

  3. Click the microphone to start recording your greeting.

  4. Click Stop when you are done recording.

  5. Click play to preview your recording or click the trash can to delete.

  6. Click Save.

Use missed call notifications

Square Messages provides visibility into missed calls from your customers. When your customers call your dedicated business number and you couldn't answer, a missed call notification shows in your Square Messages inbox — in the same conversation you have with that customer.

Under the missed call notification, you can see the action your customer took (like if the customer requested a follow-up text) and you can follow up via text using Square Messages or use the call back feature to use your own mobile wireless plan to call your customer back.

To call back:

  1. Open the Square app and tap More > Messages.

  2. Tap the existing conversation with the missed call notification.

  3. Tap Call back. The call back action will use your device's native calling app and the cell phone number associated with the device. Call charges are subject to the mobile wireless plan associated with the device.

  4. Tap Continue to populate the customer's phone number on your device and start the call. Tap Dismiss if you don't want to call your customer using the phone number associated with your device.

Send a new message

Tableau de bord Square

  1. Connectez-vous au Tableau de bord Square et cliquez sur l’ icône Messages dans la barre de navigation supérieure pour ouvrir votre boîte de réception Messages.
  2. Cliquez sur l’icône du crayon pour créer un message.
  3. Choisissez l’emplacement à partir duquel envoyer le message en cliquant sur le menu déroulant dans le champ De : .
  4. Tapez le nom du client dans le champ À : et sélectionnez le client existant. Pour envoyer un message à un nouveau client, cliquez sur Créer un client, ajoutez les renseignements sur le client, puis cliquez sur Enregistrer.
  5. Précisez si vous souhaitez envoyer le message par courriel ou par texto.
  6. Cliquez sur Terminé.
  7. Saisissez votre message et cliquez sur la flèche pour l’envoyer.

Application Solution PDV Square

  1. Ouvrez l’application Square et touchez Plus > Messages.
  2. Cliquez sur l’icône du crayon pour créer un message.
  3. Saisissez le nom du client dans la barre de recherche ou sélectionnez le client dans la liste. Pour envoyer un message à un nouveau client, touchez +, ajoutez les renseignements sur le client, puis touchez Enregistrer.
  4. Entrez votre message dans la zone de texte. Sélectionnez si vous souhaitez envoyer le message par courriel ou par texto en consultant les coordonnées sous le nom du client en haut du message. Les courriels et les textos apparaîtront comme des conversations distinctes dans votre boîte de réception.
  5. Touchez la flèche pour envoyer votre message.


  1. Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Settings > Account & settings > Tarification et abonnements.

  2. Under Subscriptions, click Unsubscribe next to Messages Plus.

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