
Manage Custom Shipping Boxes

From your Square Dashboard, you can add, edit or delete your custom shipping boxes.

Add Custom Shipping Boxes

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Account & Settings > Fulfilment > Shipment.

  2. Click Add custom boxes > Add box template.

  3. Enter the box name, length, width, height, maximum weight, box weight and maximum items allowed in the box. Check the Set as default box, if applicable.

  4. Click Save to review shipping box details and click Add shipping box to add additional shipping boxes.

  5. Click Done.

Update Existing Shipping Boxes

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Account & Settings > Fulfilment > Shipment.

  2. Click Shipping boxes to view all your existing boxes. Select the existing shipping box you want to update.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to the shipping box to edit and enter the updated information.

  4. Click Save > Done.

Delete Shipping Boxes

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and click Account & Settings > Fulfilment > Shipment.

  2. Select an existing shipping box.

  3. Click the pencil icon next to the shipping box and click Delete. If you’re deleting your default shipping box, we’ll automatically set a different box as the new default. Click Don’t delete to return to the edit page.

  4. Click Delete to confirm.

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