Set up and manage Square Assistant
About Square Assistant
With this automated assistant, your customers will be able to respond directly to messages sent on your behalf to help you manage your business. For example, Square Assistant can send SMS appointment reminders. Once received, your customers can confirm, reschedule or cancel upcoming appointments without having to contact you directly. Square Assistant will then automatically update your Square Appointments calendar to save you time managing your appointments.
Before you begin
Before you can begin using Square Assistant, it must first be enabled. You can enable Square Assistant at any time with your Square Dashboard or Square Appointments.
- Navigate to Messages, then click the Settings icon.
- Under “Square Assistant,” toggle on Enable Square Assistant.
- Click Save.
- From your Square Appointments Overview page, navigate to Settings.
- From the Settings menu, navigate to Communications > Square Assistant.
- Toggle on Square Assistant, then click Save.
Note: By default, Square Assistant will be enabled for most merchants. This feature is only available for merchants with online booking.
Manage Square Assistant
You can manage your Square Assistant settings to disable Square Assistant or to turn on other settings such as Do Not Disturb.
- Navigate to Messages, then click the gear icon.
- Under Square Assistant, toggle off Enable Square Assistant.
- Click Save.
To enable or disable do not disturb:
- Navigate to Messages, then click the Settings icon.
- Under Do not disturb, toggle it off or on.
- Click Save.
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Appointments > Settings > Communications.
- Navigate to Square Assistant.
- Toggle off Square Assistant, then click Save.
To enable or disable do not disturb:
- Sign in to Square Dashboard and go to Appointments > Settings > Communications.
- Navigate to Square Assistant.
- Under Do not disturb, toggle it off or on.
- Click Save.
Next Steps
Review the following Support Centre articles for more information about how you can use Square Assistant: