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Xero and Square

Square App Marketplace

Streamline your business with Square and our app integrations.

With the Square and Xero integration, you now have access to beautiful online accounting software built for small businesses. Get all the time-saving tools you need to grow your business. Log in online anytime, anywhere on your Mac, PC, tablet or phone and see up-to-date financials. Using our integration partner Amaka, you can automatically sync your Square transactions to Xero and keep track of Square fees, tips, refunds, and more.

Learn more about integrating Square with Xero via Amaka.

Xero Integration Overview

Learn more about the new Xero Integration FAQ. The new and improved integration will offer the following features:

Detailed Itemised Data

New and improved data feeds that send transaction info from your Square account directly to Xero.

Payment Services

Activate the payment service feature and offer an online payment option to your customers. Customers will simply have to click on the pay now button and they will be redirected to Square’s payment gateway.

Express Setup

Activate the integration within a few minutes and a few clicks. Setting up using the Express mode, the integration creates and maps all necessary accounts for you.

Dedicated Amaka Customer Support

Customer support is hosted and handled by our development partner, Amaka. You can book an appointment with an integration specialist to troubleshoot, learn more about the integration or get help optimising your Square and Xero integration.

Multi-location support

Sync all active locations into Xero and connect Square to single or multiple Xero files.

Sales Categorisation

Group sales by product or category. You can create income accounts to show a breakdown of sales or map products or categories to relevant income accounts.

Tracking Categories

Utilise Xero’s tracking category feature and assign Square locations, categories or products to Xero tracking options

Settlement Sync

Sync fees to an expense account. Easily match the Square deposit bank transaction to the transfer transaction synced by the integration. You can also sync all other Square settlement transactions such as chargebacks, balance adjustments and loan payments.

Backdating of Sync

Sync up to one year worth of historical sales and payment data to your Xero account.

Integrate with Xero

If you don’t have a Xero account, you can sign up for a free trial. To integrate Square with Xero:

  1. Visit the integration setup page.

  2. Sign in to your Square account and click Allow to grant all relevant permissions.

  3. Authenticate your Xero account by clicking the Connect new account button.

  4. Choose the Xero organisation you want to connect then click Allow access.

  5. Click Save + Continue to accept Amaka’s terms and conditions.

  6. Follow the wizard to choose your preferred setup method, invoice breakdown, invoice format, mapping and scheduler options to complete the setup of the integration.

  7. Click Save + Continue to finish and activate the integration.

After completing the setup, the new integration will be listed on the app dashboard where you can edit it or start a new one.

Note: If you have selected today’s date as your scheduled sync start date, your transactions will not appear in Xero until tomorrow.

Learn more about how to set up your Xero and Square integration using Amaka's tutorial video:

Once you’ve set up a Xero account, you can invite your accountant or bookkeeper to access your business. Each administrator will have access to your information based on enabled permissions. 

Troubleshoot your Integration

If your integration is not working as expected, visit Amaka’s troubleshooting page.

Billing and Pricing

The integration is free for all Square sellers. Note: This does not include any Xero fees for accessing Xero services. Xero has several subscription plans to suit your business. For more information about comparing plans and Xero's pricing, visit the Xero website.

Manage Your Xero Account

For assistance with the Xero and Square integration:

Learn more about the Square and Xero integration by visiting our Xero Integration FAQ support article.