
Create and send invoices with the new invoicing experience

  • Square データで新しい請求書機能を使い、単一、一括、定期送信請求書、または請求書テンプレートを作成する加盟店さま。
  • 請求書と見積もりを表示、編集、作成、削除するアクセス権限をお持ちの加盟店さま。アクセス権限は、Square データで設定できます。

About Square Invoices

All Square Invoices Free or Plus subscribers can create invoices faster and more efficiently with our new and simplified invoice creation experience. This new layout will apply when you create single, batch (Square 請求書 subscribers only), or recurring invoices through your Square Dashboard on a web browser. It will also apply when creating new templates from Square Dashboard.

Before you begin

  • Invoices can be created, sent, and managed from your Square Dashboard, Square Invoices app, or the Square Point of Sale app using a supported mobile device. The new layout will only impact your Square Dashboard.

  • You can go back to the old layout at any time by selecting the Old layout link at the top of the invoice creation page. You’ll lose any unsaved changes during invoice creation when making this selection. If you choose to revert back to the old layout, it will only be for the current session.

  • If you subscribe to Square 請求書 Plus, you can send batch invoices and create custom fields and content templates.

  • You can only batch create invoices from your Square Dashboard.


Create an invoice from your Square Dashboard

Instructions below only apply to the new invoicing layout on your Square Dashboard. For details on how to use the old layout, or how to use the Square Invoices or Point of Sale app, learn how to 請求書を作成・送信する.

Step 1: Invoice details

First, add information about your customer, invoice frequency, and payment options. Scheduled recurring invoices will be automatically sent to your customer at 10 a.m. (in your time zone) on the date you’ve selected.

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Payments > Invoices

  2. You can create a new invoice one of two ways: 

    1. From the Overview page, click Send an invoice

    2. From the Invoices page, click Create invoice, and select Single, Batch (Square 請求書 Plus subscribers only), or Recurring.

  3. Under Details, add an existing customer or Create new customer.

    1. If you've selected Batch invoices, add up to 100 customers to this batch by searching for a group or individual customer name. Each recipient will receive a separate invoice, so be sure you have a valid email address for everyone.

  4. Enter an invoice title and add optional service date and invoice ID.

  5. Manually enter a message to your customer.

Step 2: Line items

  1. Add custom amounts, search your item library, or create new items. Just start typing in the + Add an item field. You can also scan a barcode to auto-populate items. Change the item quantities as needed.

  2. Optional: Add any discounts. 

  3. Optional: Add a payment schedule — this gives you more control over how your customers pay. You can schedule the initial deposit and split the remaining balance into multiple payments. Learn how to Manage invoice deposits and payment schedules.

Step 3: Attachments and custom fields (optional)

  1. Attachments: Click Add to attach up to 10 files totalling 25 MB. Supported file types: JPG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, and PDF. Do not attach sensitive personal information or illegal content. Square may use content you upload to fight chargebacks on your behalf.

  2. Custom fields: Click Add to include custom data that will be displayed on the invoice presented to your customer. Enter a field title, text, and field placement. Click Save. This feature is available to Square 請求書 Plus subscribers only.

  3. Square Contracts: Click Add to add an existing contract to your invoice or create a new one.

Step 4: Settings at a glance

  • Schedule: Choose the send and due date.

  • Accepted payment methods: Check/uncheck the relevant payment options; Credit or debit card and Square physical or eGift Card. Learn more about fees and pricing for Square 請求書.

  • Payment method on file: Select the saved payment card or click Add a card to save a customer’s card in your customer directory to immediately process invoice payments.

  • Customer actions: Toggle on: 

    • Save payment method: Allow customers to save payment details for future use.

    • Goods and services confirmation: In order to pay, your customer is required to confirm they accept the goods and services with satisfaction. This only covers final payments taken after goods and services have been delivered.

  • Share via: Choose to share the invoice by email or share link. Click Add additional recipients to add up to 8 recipients.

  • Reminders: Toggle Send customers reminders for their invoice on/off. You can Edit reminders or remove reminders by clicking the trash can icon. 

  • Shipping: If shipping is required, toggle on Create order for shipping and toggle on Request delivery address (optional). If selected, this order will be added to the Shipment Manager once the customer pays the invoice. Learn how to Square 請求書で送料を設定する.

Once you’ve completed all the invoice details, you can Preview, Save as Draft to send at a later date, or Send.

Track inventory and sales

If you track inventory through Square, your items will only adjust when the entire invoice is paid. Paying the deposit will not change item counts. Learn how to use inventory tracking for Square Invoices.

With invoices, sales are not recorded within Sales Reports until the entire Square Invoice is paid. Sales are attributed to the date the invoice is paid off — not the deposit or the date the invoice was sent.

Manage sent invoices

Once you’ve shared an invoice, you can remind customers to pay, make edits to an unpaid invoice, take a payment, or mark as paid. You can also cancel, duplicate, share, print, download PDF, or archive.

Square データからの場合

  1. Square データにログインし、[支払い] > [請求書] > [請求書] の順にクリックします。
  2. 関連する請求書の横にある [•••] をクリックし、関連するアクションを選択します。
  3. 請求書をクリックしてクイックビューパネルを開き、[その他] をクリックして関連するアクションを選択することもできます。

Square 請求書とSquare POSレジアプリからの場合

  1. Square 請求書またはSquare POSレジアプリから、ナビゲーションバーの [請求書] をタップします。Square POSレジアプリで、[≡その他] > [請求書] の順にタップします。
  2. 管理する請求書を選択し、[•••] をタップします。
  3. リマインダーの送信、複製、共有、キャンセル、アーカイブ、またはダウンロードを選択します。また、支払い情報を編集または追加することもできます。

Take payment for an invoice

If your customer does not pay an invoice online, you can take the payment manually and mark the invoice as paid.

Square データから支払いを受け付ける

  1. Square データにログインし、[支払い] > [請求書] > [請求書] の順にクリックします。
  2. Square データから支払いを受け付けるには、次の3つの方法があります。
    a. [請求書] の横で [•••] > [支払いを受け付ける] の順にクリック
    b.[請求書] をクリックし、[その他] > [「支払い済み」にする] の順にクリック
    c.[請求書] をクリックし、[支払い] まで下にスクロールして [支払いを受け付ける] をクリック
  3. 金額、支払方法、任意の顧客情報と個人的なメモを確認します。
  4. [お会計] をクリックします。


Square データから「支払い済み」にする

Square 請求書経由ではない方法で全額または一部支払い(現金、小切手など)があった場合は、Square データから請求書のステータスを「支払い済み」にできます。手順は以下のとおりです。

  1. Square データにログインし、[支払い] > [請求書] > [請求書] の順にクリックします。2.Square データから請求書を「支払い済み」にするには、次の3つの方法があります。
    a.[請求書] の横で [•••] > [支払い済みにする] の順にクリック
    b.[請求書] をクリックし、[その他] > [「支払い済み」にする] の順にクリック
    c.[請求書] をクリックし、[支払い] まで下にスクロールして [支払い済みにする] をクリック
  2. 金額、支払方法、任意の顧客情報と個人的なメモを確認します。
  3. [保存] をクリックします。

Square 請求書とSquare POSレジアプリからの場合

Square 請求書およびSquare POSレジアプリから、クレジットカードまたはデビットカード(Squareハードウェアを接続するか、iPhoneのタッチ決済Tap to Pay on Androidを利用)、保存済みカード、Square ギフトカード、カード情報の手入力で、全額または一部支払いを受け付けることができます。



  1. Square 請求書アプリから、ナビゲーションバーの [請求書] をタップします。Square POSレジアプリで、[≡その他] > [請求書] の順にタップします。
  2. [支払い] で [支払い情報を追加] を選択します。
  3. 一部支払いをマークするには、[残額] または [その他の金額] を選択します。[次へ] をタップします。
  4. 支払いオプションを選択します。
  5. 支払いが確認されたら、[新規販売] をタップして請求書に戻ります。


For any questions or feedback while using the new invoicing experience, please フィードバックをお寄せください to share with our teams.

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