
Upload Images to Your Square Item Library

Product images are a key element of a successful business, especially of an eCommerce website. Since customers can’t physically interact with the items on your site, having a good visual reference can mean the difference between an abandoned basket and a completed purchase.

Note: although product images help with the buyer experience on your site, images uploaded to each item and category in your Item Library will appear everywhere in Square, including your Square Online site and Square Point of Sale.

For information on other item features beyond product images, check out creating and managing items from Square Dashboard.

Add product images to your image library

Images of your items and categories are often a customer’s first exposure to what you sell online, so it’s very important to be strategic with them before uploading them to your library. To add product images to your library:

  1. from your Square Item Library, go to Image library.

  2. Click Upload to add an image file from your device.

  3. Click on your image to add image details. Note: you can select the rubbish bin icon over an existing image at any time to delete it.

  4. Click Save when finished.

You can also open the details screen of an individual item or category to add images. Items with up to 250 variations can have an image for each variation.

Note: if your Square Online site is already published, your images will automatically display on the live item or category page when you save your changes.

Supported images

Image file types

Square supports the following file types for item images:

  • JPG
  • JPEG
  • PNG
  • GIF

Note: 360° and 3D images are not supported.

Image file size

Images can be up to 20MB in file size, but less than 500KB is recommended for faster webpage loading speeds and optimised search engine results.

Images can also be up to 2,560 x 2,560 pixels large, which allows for a higher quality zoom when customers want to see the details of your item or category image. A good rule of thumb is to use an image with a 1:1 aspect ratio that’s at least 2,000 x 2,000 pixels large. Anything smaller than 2,000 x 2,000 pixels could result in blurry images.

Product images on your website

Index your images with alt text
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) enables you to optimise your items and categories to help them rank better in search engine results. One of the first steps is to edit the SEO settings for both your items and categories, including their images. Learn how to optimise your items and categories for details.

Adjust product image ratio and cropping on your site

You can adjust the image ratio and cropping for item images displayed throughout your Square Online site. To start:

  1. From your Square Online site editor, open the page with the item image you’d like to adjust.
  2. Select the item image on your site, which can be one found on a featured items section, an item page or your ordering page.
  3. In the editing panel, select Item images or Image gallery.
  4. Choose an aspect ratio.
  5. Choose an image fit of either Crop or Scale. Crop fits the image to your selected ratio but crops out any excess. Scale makes the entire image fit into your selected ratio but leaves blank spaces on the sides.
  6. Publish your site to see the changes live.

How customers interact with product images on your site

Customers will see the images on your site in the order that you assign them to each item and category. They can always select an image to zoom in and if you’ve added more than one, they can also use the thumbnails to switch views.

Square Photo Studio

Most modern phones and tablets are equipped with a camera that can take very good photos but image quality is dependent on your device. To help you create mobile device product images, check out the Square Photo Studio app, where you can take professional-looking, quality product photos directly from your mobile device. Learn more about getting started with the Square Photo Studio app.

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