
Multi Menu Management in the Central Menu

Multi-Menu management is a way for franchisors to have central control over menus across restaurants. Once distributed to the franchisees, the multiple menus will consolidate into one menu. 

Different permissions might be required on each part of the menus at the franchisee level.

For example, as a franchisor, you may decide to build the menu as multiple sub-menus (mains, desserts, local drinks, hot drinks) and want to lock all permissions on all sub-menus. Note that only one set of permissions can be created and all stores will operate under the same permission set.

Multi-catalogs with varying prices

In order to manage varying prices, Variation Groups will be used.

Variation Group is a group of items that have common Modifier Group connections and are considered as versions of an item: ex. Coffee Small, Medium or Big.

Store items connected to the Variation Group can have their own prices and their own Menu connection, but they are stored and managed from the Variation Group page.

Variation Groups are created from the Store Items Section.

To create a Variation Group:

  • Access Square for Franchise > Menu Management > Items Tab, and click Add.

  • On the Item Details page fill in all the required information such as, Title, Descriptions, and other attributes.

  • In the Variations section set the Price and tax of the first variation.

  • Add additional variations by selecting “Add Variation”.

  • Once the  “Add Variation” button is selected, you will be directed to a page to add a new variation. Then return to the variation group as there will be a list of existing variations. In order to edit each variation, they must be selected and edited individually.

  • Through the same steps item availability cannot be edited, but archived.

Variation Group detailed view

The Variations detailed page is similar to the item detailed page. The user can update details, including Menu Connection.

  • As soon as menu connection for Variation is updated, this variation item will be attached to this menu, disregarding Variation Group Menu connection.

Variation Group on Listing Page

  • Variation group in the Items listing is shown with a vertical arrow in the beginning, showing that it can be opened.

  • When you press on the arrow of any Variation Group in the listing, all the variations attached to this Variation Group are shown below.

  • Filter by Menu will show in the listing only those variations that are attached to this Menu.

  • If I search by name or GUID in the search field, Variations should be included in the search results. If a Variation matches the search keyword, Variation Group in the listing should be shown as opened. This way users will easily find the matching Variation.

Assign Locations/Sub Groups to Menu

On the Menu detail page in Central Menu, the dashboard user should be able to assign locations from the list of existing Franchise Locations.

In order to assign Location:

  • Go to Merchant level dashboard > Menu Management > Menus section > Select any existing Menu in the list,

  • In order to access a detailed page, click on Menu title or click on the icon with three horizontal dots and select option Edit.

  • A page containing advanced details will appear and there will be an option under General to “Assign to locations”, press on select stores section.

  • A list of available stores will be displayed below. Select Stores to which this menu should be added to by clicking on the check boxes to the left of the Store title.

  • Press Save in order to confirm changes.

  • From this moment this Menu with all its subversions will be pushed to the selected Square Locations.

  • If the location is removed, this menu with all its items should be completely removed from the selected location in Square.

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