Troubleshoot team member badges
If you are experiencing issues pairing a badge with a team member or if a team member can’t log in to the Square Point of Sale, try the following troubleshooting steps.
Before you begin
Team member badges are only available with a subscription to Advanced Access or Square for Restaurants Plus.
If you are not subscribed or if your subscription expired, badges won't work for your team. You can resubscribe or upgrade your subscription from Pricing & subscriptions in your Square Dashboard. Learn how to manage your Square subscriptions.
Troubleshoot pairing team member badges
Review the issues to find out why you may experience issues with pairing your team member badges.
The badge may need to be paired with the team member profile, or the team member may already have a badge paired. Employees can only have one badge paired to their profile at a time. Unpairing and relinking a new badge to the team member’s profile may help.
Learn how to set up team member badges.
If you’re attempting to log in on a Square Reader, the device may not be properly connected to your point of sale hardware.
Learn how to set up Square Reader.
If you continue to experience issues with your Square Reader, try using a Square Reader for contactless and chip (2nd generation).