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Payments API Dashboard Reporting

With Square’s reporting tools, you can view your API transaction history from your online Square Dashboard.

View API Sales in Sales Summary

To filter API transactions in your Sales Summary:

  1. From the navigation menu of your online Square Dashboard, click Reporting > Reports > Sales Summary.

  2. Select Advanced Options.

  3. From the drop-down list, click Source.

  4. Select the All Sources filter dropdown > eCommerce Integrations. API Dashboard Reporting

Note: The All Sources filter dropdown lists available sources based on the selected transaction data. If the transaction results are empty, the dropdown will be empty. If the transaction results only include Point of Sale transactions, the dropdown will only list Point of Sale.

View API Transaction History

To filter API transactions in your transaction history:

  1. From the navigation menu of your online Square Dashboard, click Reporting > Transactions.

  2. Select eCommerce Integrations from the All Payment Methods dropdown.

API Dashboard reporting from the Transactions section of the online Square Dashboard

Read more about using advanced reporting in your online Square Dashboard.

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