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Card on File and Point of Sale App FAQ

Can I save a card on file from my Dashboard?

Yes, you can manually save a payment card to your online Customer Directory and use the card to complete a payment with the Square app.

What is the Square Card on File fee?

You’ll pay a fee of 3.4% + 15 cents each time you complete a payment with a card on file using the Square app.

Do I need to worry about PCI compliance?

No. Square complies with all required PCI standards, so Square account holders do not need to validate PCI compliance for information given to Square. With Card on File, you don’t have to worry about handling your customer’s sensitive information or storing any paper forms.

Note: Square stores data in the U.S. and other countries. You may be required to notify your customers of this fact and obtain their consent before storing their information.

Why isn’t there a space on the authorization form to add the CVV number for my customer’s card?

It’s a violation of PCI standards to record a customer’s CVV, which is why there isn’t a space for it. If you’d like to manually input a payment, you’ll need to request the CVV directly from the seller each time you input the card. If you take advantage of Square’s Card on File feature, you don’t have to manually input the CVV.

Can I store a payment card when a customer pays with Apple, Google or Samsung Pay?

No, the ability to store card information from a contactless payment device isn’t available, but this is a feature we’re looking into.

How does Card on File work with printed sign and tip receipts?

Square sends a digital receipt to the email address saved to the customer’s profile each time their stored payment card is charged. However, if you have sign and tip receipts turned on, a receipt will print and your customer will receive a digital copy.

How does Card on File work with Open Tickets?

Adding a customer to an open ticket will also associate their payment card on file. When you’re ready to close a ticket, tap Charge. Under the Card on File tender type, select from the customer’s cards on file and complete the payment.

What happens when a card on file expires?

Once a card on file expires, you or your customers will need to unlink the card information from their profile in your Customer Directory under Edit Personal Information. After this has been done, the new card information can be updated at any time. If you attempt to run an expired card on file with Square POS app, the payment will be declined.

Can I save my customers’ HSA or FSA cards?

Health Savings Account and Flexible Spending Account cards are highly regulated and have very strict policies around their usage. At this time, HSA and FSA cards are not supported with Card on File.

While you’re unable to save these types of cards to your Customer Directory, you can still accept payments from HSA and FSA cards using the normal checkout flow on the Square Point of Sale app, Square Appointments app, and Square Invoices app if your Merchant Category Code is set to Medical Practitioners or Medical Services and Health Practitioners.

View our article on how to use Card on File with Square POS app for more information.

Learn more about: Point of Sale

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