
Send Coupons with Feedback

With Square’s Customer Engagement tools, you can interact with your customers by including coupons in your feedback replies. Learn how to view and reply to your customer feedback

Use Square Feedback to Send Coupons

Visit your online Square Dashboard to review and reply to feedback and send coupons. 

To send a coupon with a reply:

  1. Visit the Customers page of your online Square Dashboard

  2. Use the filters to narrow feedback or select All Feedback.

  3. Select the feedback you’d like to reply to with a coupon. 

  4. Click Send Coupon.

  5. In the pop-up window, enter the dollar amount and click Send Coupon

Coupons are valid for a calendar year from the date issued and cannot be revoked. Learn more about redeeming coupons or rewards.

Note: Coupons can only be sent to customers who’ve allowed responses to their feedback. This means that while a customer may have submitted feedback, if they haven’t allowed responses, you won’t be able to send them a coupon via feedback. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Coupons

Can I customize the coupon expiry date? 

No, at this time, coupons sent through feedback are valid for a calendar year from the date they were issued.

What is the cost for sending coupons to my customers?

There is no additional cost for sending coupons to your customers through their feedback.

Can I send coupons to all of my customers?

With feedback, you can only send coupons to customers who’ve left feedback for you from their electronic receipts and have allowed responses.

Can I look up how many coupons I’ve sent or redeemed so far? 

Not yet, but we’re working on bringing this functionality.

What happens if my final sale is less than $1.00 after a coupon is applied?

If an applied coupon makes your total sale less than $1.00, the sale must be completed as a cash or other tender transaction. The minimum for a card payment is $1.00.