Create audiences with Square for Franchises
About audiences
With Square for Franchises you can set up Audiences to help narrow down the participants in promotional programs that you create. You can create multiple conditions that customers must meet in order to be eligible to receive information on the promotion.
You can create audiences based on one or more of the following conditions:
Average orders in total period or lifetime
Last order date
Last order total
Order method
Time period
Total orders count in lifetime
Total orders count in period
User type
Users who left their carts in 24 hours after cart abandonment
Users with X order
Users without orders in period
Before you begin
You can create audiences through your Square for Franchises dashboard.
Create an audience
Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard and click Marketing > Audiences.
Select Create Audience.
Enter the general information for the audience.
Select the participating stores.
Define the audience by selecting and applying rules.
Select Save.
Edit or delete an audience
Sign in to your Square for Franchises dashboard and click Marketing > Promotions.
Select (•••) by to the audience you want to edit, then select Edit. To delete the audience, select Delete.
Make edits as necessary.
Select Save.