
View and adjust sell-through reports from your Square Dashboard

Who is this article for?
This article is for business owners and their team members making purchasing decisions and price adjustments by tracking and identifying slow-moving or dead stock. This is a feature available with Square for Retail Plus. Learn more about Square Staff and custom permissions.

About sell-through reports

The Square for Retail Inventory Sell-through Report provides you with an organised daily snapshot of all of the information you need to effectively manage your inventory including making purchasing decisions, price adjustments, and identifying any dead stock.

Before you begin

Although sell-through rates vary by industry and item type, a general rule of thumb is that any item at or above 80% is excellent and any item below 40% is concerning. A sell-through rate over 100% means the item or variation has been oversold and inventory has gone negative.

Inventory tracking must be turned on in your online Square Dashboard under Items > Settings > Inventory and the item or variation must have either been sold or had an inventory adjustment in the last 365 days for a sell-through report to be generated.

Sell-through is a percentage that compares the amount of inventory you receive from a vendor against what’s actually sold over a given period of time.

View and adjust sell-through report

To view your sell-through report:

  1. Log in to your online Square Dashboard.

  2. Select Reports > Inventory Reports > Inventory Sell-through.

To adjust your sell-through report:

  1. Log in to your online Square dashboard.

  2. Select Reports > Inventory Reports > Inventory Sell-through.

  3. Select Actions and choose the adjustment corresponding to the action you want to take, including applying a discount, creating a marketing campaign, repricing an item or editing low stock alerts.

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