
Promote your brand and services on your booking site

Who’s this article for?
Sellers with the account & settings permission to update business information. Set permissions in Square Dashboard

About promoting your brand and services

You can optimise your booking site with your brand and details about your services to help increase your bookings by adding your brand logo, colour and website/social links to your booking site. You can organise your services by category, upload category and service images, and add team photos and biographies so customers better understand your services and staff.

Manage your branding

Before you start promoting your business with your booking site, create brand consistency across your online booking site, receipts and social media integrations by adding a business logo and brand colour. 

From Square Online

Use this option if you’re hosting your online booking site via Square Online. If you’ve already set a colour in the Square Online editor, no additional action is needed.

  1. Log in to your Square Dashboard and go to Online > Website > Edit site.
  2. Click Site design > Colours.
  3. Click Main colour > choose a colour.
  4. Click Done.

From Account & Settings

Use this option if you’re hosting your online booking site via Square Appointments. If you’ve already set a colour in settings, no additional action is needed.

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Settings > Account & Settings > Business information > Receipts.
  2. To update your logo and brand colours, select Edit.
  3. Select Framed format or Full format, select Add to add your logo, and choose your brand colour. Select Next to choose your locations
  4. Select Apply.

For your logo, follow these guidelines:

  • your logo should be at least 200 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall. If you choose a full format logo, it should be at least 1,280 pixels wide and 648 pixels tall to view in high resolution.
  • The maximum size of the printed logo is 400 pixels wide and 200 pixels tall.

Option 1: add team photos and biographies

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Appointments > Staff.

  2. Select a staff member. 

  3. Click Upload photo to add a photo.

  4. Under Online booking, add a Biography

  5. Click Save.

Option 2: add or update your business information

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Account & settings > Business information > Locations.

  2. Choose a location to edit. 

  3. Make sure location details such as the business address, contact information and working hours are up-to-date.

  4. Under Social contact, link to your social media platforms. 

  5. Click Save

Option 3: manage your services and categories

If you haven’t already, enable online booking by:

  1. Sign in to your Square Dashboard and click Appointments > Online Booking > Channels.

  2. Click Enable online booking

Online booking sites don’t support:
  • displaying services under more than one category. If you add a service to multiple categories, it’ll display under the Reporting Category in online booking.
  • Sub-categories. Only top-level categories will be displayed. If you nest categories under categories, services will display in the top-level category in online booking.

Add service and category images

To add service images:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, go to Items > Service library.
  2. Click on a service to upload an image. You can add multiple images to a service.
    Click Save.

To add category images:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, go to Items > Categories.
  2. Click on a category to upload an image.
  3. Click Save.

Organise your services into categories

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Items > Categories > Create category.
  2. Choose a Name and add details to the Category details field.
  3. Click Add items to add services to the category.
  4. Click Save.

You can also edit the category of a specific service:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, go to Items > Service library.
  2. Click on the service you want to edit.
  3. From the Edit service screen, click Select next to Categories.
  4. Choose the category you want to add the service to.
  5. Click Done.

Manage the order of categories and services

To manage the order categories are displayed:

  1. from your Square Dashboard, go to Appointments > Online Booking > Channels.
  2. Next to ‘Appointment booking site’, click Edit service display.
  3. Under Display settings, toggle on Show category names.
  4. Rearrange the order of categories.
  5. Click into each category to rearrange the order of services within a category.
  6. Click Save.

Note: rearranging the order via Items > Categories won’t apply to online booking.

Display service and category images

  1. From your Square Dashboard, go to Appointments > Online Booking > Channels.
  2. Next to ‘Appointment booking site’, click Edit service display.
  3. Under Display settings, toggle on Show service images and Show category images.

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