
[BETA] Scan to Pay

Thank you for participating in the Scan to Pay beta with Square for Restaurants. This new feature will give your diners the option to pay for their meal by scanning a QR code on the printed bill.

Requirements & Limitations

  • You must be subscribed to Restaurants Plus or Premium to participate

  • The Scan to Pay feature is only available as part of the newly redesigned Restaurants Point of Sale experience. To create a Beta POS Device, follow the steps here

  • The card processing rate for QR code payments is 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction.

  • During the initial phase of testing, the ability to split check payment will not be available with Scan to Pay

  • QR codes will not be printed when the POS is in offline mode.

Get Started

Enable on Square Dashboard

  1. Sign intoSquare Dashboard > Devices

  2. Select the Beta POS Device

  3. Scroll to Signature and receipt > turn ON Accept QR code payments

4. Save.

Server Experience on Restaurants POS

  1. On the Restaurants Point of Sale, select table/ticket > select Print Bill

2. Bill prints and table updates color to green and displays as Printed. After 3 minutes, time displays on the table.

3. Guest scans the QR code and pays online. The Floor plan and Orders tabs will display a notification when a bill is paid.

Guest Experience

  1. Server drops off bill with printed QR Code

  2. Guest uses a mobile device camera to scan QR code > taps URL > opens the Square Online Checkout page with Check details and ways to pay (manual card entry, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, etc).


Can I split a bill payment?

Bill payment splitting is not supported via scanning a single QR code. You can however split a bill on the Restaurants POS, print multiple checks and have customers pay via individual QR codes.

Can customers pay through QR placards on the table?

No, this is not a feature we’re supporting.

Support or Feedback?

For any questions or feedback while testing this beta feature, visit the Next Generation - Square for Restaurants private groupwithin the Beta Community, or reach out to the Beta team at betafeedback@squareup.com.