Checkout with Scan to Pay
About Scan to Pay
Scan to Pay allows your customers to pay for their meal by scanning a QR code on their printed receipt, helping you turn tables faster and free up more time for your staff. Scan to Pay can also help improve customer satisfaction by speeding up their payment experience.
Before you begin
Square uses printer profiles to configure settings and preferences for printing receipts and order tickets. Before you get set up to print order tickets, you need to set up a printer profile. Learn more about the following:
You also need to enable Scan to Pay to allow customers to use it to process their payments. To enable Scan to Pay:
log in to your Square Dashboard and navigate to Device Management > Settings > Checkout.
Select Payment > Scan to Pay.
Choose a location.
Select Printed receipt > toggle on QR code on receipts.
Print an order ticket
You can print an order ticket with the QR code for Scan to Pay from the Floor plan or Orders tab.
Scan to Pay reporting
Once an order ticket has been printed with Scan to Pay enabled, it will show a Printed status in the Orders tab with a three-minute timer until it is paid. Once paid, you’ll receive a notification that says ‘Bills have been paid with a QR code’ on your point-of-sale device. Paid orders are moved to the Closed section of the Orders tab and will show as ‘Paid via QR Code’.
You can also review Scan to Pay payments with your Sales summary report. Learn more about how to View sales summary, sales trends and payment-method reports.