
Delivery with Square Online

There are many factors to consider when deciding how you want to deliver your items – item weights, packaging expenses and carrier services and fees, to name a few.

There are five other delivery rate types to choose from:

  1. Flat Rate

  2. Free Delivery

  3. Order Weight

  4. Order Total

  5. Item Quantity

You can use these rate types individually. Learn how to set up manual delivery rates.

Regardless of which delivery option you choose, there are three fundamental steps to the process:

  • Add a delivery address (the location from where you are dispatching).

  • Set up the destination regions that you will deliver to.

  • Decide how you want to charge delivery and set up delivery rates for each region.

Once you’ve completed the setup, your customers will see the appropriate rates for the delivery address they enter at checkout. If you’ve added more than one rate for their area, they can choose the one they prefer. You can also set a backup delivery rate to make sure you won’t have to pay out of pocket if you receive an order that falls outside the criteria you set.

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