
Bring More Followers to Your Weebly Blog

⚠ Important Notice: This is a Weebly support article.

An RSS feed element is automatically added to the sidebar of any blog you create. This RSS feed allows blog visitors to receive automatic updates about your blog if they’re using a feed reader like feed.ly. There are dozens and dozens of such readers available for Windows, Mac OS, iPhones, iPads, Android devices and so on from there. You can read a bit more about RSS feeds in this article.

Though millions of people follow their favourite blogs by using one of the dozens of feed readers we mentioned above, there are many more people who have no idea what RSS is or why we’re boring them by talking about it right now. How can you keep these visitors notified that you’ve added a new post to your blog?

The best way is to be where your potential readers and followers already are: Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter). Though there are plenty of other social networks that come and go, these two remain by far the most likely places to actually interact with real human beings who are interested in what you have to say.

Encouraging people to follow you on Facebook or X means that when you link back to your blog post (or anything else) there’ll be plenty of people there to interact with that link. The best way to gain blog followers on FB is to create a Fan page and add a Like button that’s connected to your blog sidebar. This tutorial shows how easy it is to do just that.

As for X, adding a short version of your feed to the site should do the trick. And we’ve also written a guide that shows how to do that.

What about letting visitors sign up for an email list that automatically pings them when you create a new blog post? We don’t recommend it. There are several reasons why we don’t, but the main one is that aside from Google’s Feedburner service, there isn’t an automated email notification system that will ping subscribers every time you publish a post.

If you really want to keep visitors updated via email, it’s better to have them sign up for a Newsletter mailing list and then regularly send them an email (maybe once a month or every two weeks) using your favourite posts as the content of that newsletter to encourage them to come back and read what you’ve written. This guide shows how to set that up.

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