Android App Insights
The Insights section of the Weebly app houses a range of data on various aspects of your website that will help you track performance and guide your business decisions.
Insights are divided into two main categories: Traffic and Sales. You can also view a summary of your website stats from the Overview page. Use the calendar icon to choose the date range you want to view. This will be applied across all three Insights sections.

The Traffic section displays your page views and unique visits for the selected date range. Tap and drag left or right on the graph to see details for a specific day, and swipe left or right on the card below to see additional details for page views and unique visits. You can also view your top pages and referring websites below the card.

The Sales section offers a look at how well your store has performed during the specified timeframe. As with the other graphs, you can tap and drag to view different dates. Swiping left and right on the card below will show details for sales earnings, total number of orders, and average value per order. Scroll down to see stats for individual items. If you’re a Performance plan subscriber, you can also check out how many sales you’ve recouped through abandoned cart automated emails.