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60 Minute First Time Client Facial

$50 · 1 hour

Skin Sheek Radio Frequency

This radio frequency machine treats skin tags, broken capillaries, cherry angiomas, and any topical skin issue.

$80 · 30 minutes

Medical Grade Medium Depth Peel

This medical grade peel goes into the dermal layer and helps with sun damage, acne, pigmentation, texture, and fine lines. It is suitable for almost any skin type. VI Precision Plus.

$180 · 1 hour 15 minutes


The Hydra Facial is one of the best facials in Phoenix, for all skin types and conditions, whether it’s acne or dry skin. The treatment includes deep pore cleansing, gentle exfoliation, a peel, and hydration. Also called hydrodermabrasion, it is applied with a wand that sucks out dead skin, bacteria, and debris while infusion target serums. During your HydraFacial enjoy a relaxing spa experience with sound healing and aromatherapy. The Lymphatic drainage step is used to help with dark circles, puffiness, and inflammation which helps pores look more refined. Masks are custom picked for your skin type and condition. Hydrafacial MD is one of the latest non-surgical, non-invasive skin resurfacing procedures. The immediate, long-lasting, results with zero downtime mean you can return to work, social life, exercise, and other normal activities right after your procedure. The HydraFacial evolved from a more common non-surgical procedure known as microdermabrasion. However, unlike microdermabrasion, which uses micro-crystals to exfoliate the skin, HydraFacial MD uses a uniquely shaped spiral tip that creates a vortex effect to exfoliate, remove the skin’s impurities, and simultaneously hydrates the skin. The additional capability of hydrating the skin after dermabrasion is one of the unique attributes of the HydraFacial MD.

$110 · 1 hour

Virtual Skin Consultation

If you're not sure what your skin needs treatment wise or product wise, then you might want a consultation! The best part is it's free! Here we can give you a whole basic regimen for your home care, tell you what treatments your skin will need and in what order and answer any more questions you have about your skin! This can be done in person or over a FaceTime call. Great if you are out of state and can't visit me in the treatment room!

Free · 1 hour

60 min Customized Glow Facial

A customized facial to meet your skin's needs. We look at the results you want to achieve and also your skin type and what it needs to get that amazing glow. We cater to all skin types. Acne, anti-aging, sensitive, and hyper pigmentation. We make sure each facial gets results and also has a nice massage, so you can relax and be pampered while you get your glow on!

$85 · 1 hour

60 min Dermaplaning Facial

This is a customized facial using a scalpel to physically remove the top layer of dead skin and vellus hair (peach fuzz) leaving your skin soft and exfoliated! Helps products penetrate deeper, gets rid of dead skin buildup and makeup with go on better... perfect for right before an event! No downtime.

$85 · 1 hour

90 min Oxygen Enzyme Facial

Oxygen Enzyme Therapy combines some of the latest technology in peptide, antioxidant and dermal regeneration science, resulting in micro circulation, detoxification and instant firming, lifting and tightening. It resolves underlying skin conditions by detoxifying and oxygenating the skin from within.

$125 · 1 hour 10 minutes

90 min Ultimate Glow Facial

A client favorite! We start with a cleanse, steam and extractions. Then you get to relax with a an arm, foot and scalp massage. We then combine dermaplaning, LED, and a jelly mask making your skin smooth, refreshed, deep cleansed and glowing!

$125 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Back Facial

Sometimes we have breakouts on our back and that also needs to be taken care of. A customized facial to meet your back's needs. We look at the results you want to achieve and also your skin type and what it needs to get that amazing glow. This is a very relaxing treatment with great results.

$85 · 1 hour

Amazing Light Peel and Dermaplaning Facial

This is the ultimate in exfoliation! First, we physically exfoliate with dermaplaning, then do a basic peel (no down time) to help with specific skin concerns and we finish with LED and a refreshing jelly mask that will best suit your skin!

$150 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Future Momma Facial

Treat Yourself! The momma to be facial is awesome for expecting mothers and breastfeeding mothers. Its hard to keep your skin clear while pregnant or breastfeeding because of the amount of things you can't do to your skin. This facial will help you relax, while also physically exfoliating with dermaplaning, chemically exfoliating, hydrating, targeting acne, aging, pigmentation and brightening the skin with an amazing combination of enzymes and ending with LED and a jelly mask. Anyone can get this facial!

$125 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Men's Facial

Yes guys we have a facial just for you! This treatment is designed to turn back the clock on tired skin and help reduce fine lines and signs of aging. We start with a nose and ear wax, then do a deep pore cleanse, collagen boosting mask, ultra-hydrating under eye therapy and vitamin-rich anti-aging serums. Hot towels and a hand and scalp massage will be incorporated for an effective and mentally rejuvenating experience. If you have a beard we will also make sure it is cleansed and groomed!

$85 · 1 hour

Acne Express Extractions with Light Peel

For those that just need their skin quickly cleansed and cleared of oil and congestion. This is great for those dealing with acne.

$40 · 30 minutes

Express Dermaplane

We start with a basic cleanse and then dermaplane the skin. The service is finished with a hydrating mask.

$40 · 30 minutes

Light Chemical Peel (Vitamin A, TCA)

Uses chemical exfoliation to help with acne, aging, hyperpigmentation, texture and tone, pores and more! There are several different peels that the professional will choose at the time of appointment! There is downtime associated with the treatment, Consists of mild-advanced peeling of the skin. A series is recommended for best results.

$85 · 1 hour


Uses 12 fine needles vibrating back and forth to create microscopic controlled wounds in the skin to trigger a wound healing response. This involves increased collagen production. Helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, prevent aging, reduce acne scarring, imposes texture and tone, brightens, reduces stretch marks and more! There is downtime associated with this procedure. A series is recommended for best results.

$125 · 1 hour

Eyebrow Wax

$10 · 15 minutes

Facial Wax

$10 for each area on the face that needs waxed. Examples: Nose Ears Lip Chin Whole Face is $30

$10 · 30 minutes

DMK Muscle Banding

This technique is designed to lift, tone, tighten and contour the facial muscles by increasing oxygen to strengthen and firm. It works by causing the muscles to contract and increasing circulation which restores optimal function to the skin. Whether you want to maintain or regain a tight youthful appearance this treatment is for you.

$175 · 2 hours

DMK Enzyme Therapy

DMK Enzyme Therapy works within your skin at a cellular level to help strengthen the structural integrity of the skin. You will start to feel a pulsating movement and this happens when "reverse osmosis" is occurring. This process will pull toxins out of the skin while tightening the skin. This treatment is highly recommended for acne, anti aging, and acne clients.

$150 · 1 hour 30 minutes

30 Minute Infrared Sauna Session

This is a great way to give your skin and body a detox. Dry infrared heat can help increase circulation and ease pain and stiffness, and optional percussive therapy accelerates healing of tissues. Please bring a bottle of water to the session and gym clothes to sweat/detox in.

$25 · 30 minutes

Danille Underwood