Book an appointment

Telephone Follow-up: PAID IN FULL $169 (+3% Card Processing Fee)

This visit is for patients already established with our practice who we do not already have cancer/veteran proof on file and who have seen Dr. Bernard in person at least once. $50 of this payment is a non-refundable Booking Fee to confirm appointment time. For this visit, you will be called on your phone, so make sure we have the correct phone number to call for your visit. No camera is required, just a simple phone call.

$174.07 · 10 minutes

Telephone Follow-up: PAID IN FULL CANCER/VETERAN $139 (+3% Card Processing Fee)

This visit is for cancer/veteran patients already established with our practice, have seen Dr. Bernard in person at least once, and we have proof of cancer/veteran status on file already. $50 of this payment is a non-refundable Booking Fee to confirm appointment time. For this visit, you will be called on your phone, so make sure we have the correct phone number to call for your visit. No camera is required, just a simple phone call.

$143.17 · 10 minutes


Johnny Bernard Jr, MD

Dr. Bernard providing medical evaluations