Book an appointment


Additional $10 fee for Designs

$40 · 45 minutes

Haircut + Beard

$60 · 1 hour

Beard service

$30 · 20 minutes

Altitude Special

Haircut + beard + hot lather + warm towels + facial massage + facial steamer

$100 · 1 hour 30 minutes

Cut + Bleach/Color service

This service includes a haircut + any Lightening/ Bleaching of the hair + any VIDID colors such as red, blue, green, etc. (optional) Service must be booked at least 24 hours in advance and a description must be noted in order for us to gather new materials and products in a timely manner. This service does not include: root retouches, grey cover ups, or color matching, toning or fixing of any kind. (Platinum blonde toning is an exception) Hair must be virgin hair (never had a chemical treatment done to it before/ natural growth only). *We are not responsible for any damaged or breakage of the hair or scalp due to negligence of providing information for previously treated hair.* *No show appointments for this service are subject to a full charge of service*

Varies based on client request · 3 hours


Lorenzo Maestas