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1:1 Inquiry & Possibilities Consultation

What parts of your life would you like to rejuvenate? Let's have a chat about your life desires and challenges. Together, we can determine an action plan so that you get energy moving in your life. This will clear away what's not serving you and make space to call in and fulfill your truest desires. Say Hello...

Free · 15 minutes

Home / Office Energy Clearing

A key to loving where you live and work is your relationship with the environment. Keep the energy in your surrounding space in flow and harmony with your intentions with a professional sacred smudge. This ancient revered practice cleanses the energy with a blessed ritual using prayer (your intention) and plant medicine. The gentle fragrant smoke of sacred plants and herbs assists in the gathering and transforming the energy of a space. Smudging a room frees up the energy that is no longer in service and makes space for the fresh energy, that when accompanied by your intention supports your desired experience. Because Irma is clairvoyant she can distinctly see where energy or entities are stagnant, resistant or disharmonious with it's occupants and guide it back into gentle flow. You may also receive cursory guidance on ergonomics, zen or other attributes useful for optimal space. To guarantee this, add a 'Single Reading' for your higher self to recommend specific actions or remedies to optimize your environment! Click dropdown arrow to select In Person or Online. Includes smudge starter kit.

2 Options

Single 1:1 Healing Clairvoyant Reading

There's so much more to you than your physical existence. Irma will say hello to your higher self while seated and facing you in person or online in meditative trance. She will psychically read the energy of your aura and describe to you what's present. Themes can include: * Past Life * Aura Cleansing * Astral Body Healing * Women's Energy * Chakra Balancing * Work Life/Career Coaching * Akashic records * Relationship Building * Build Your Own Reading* Each reading will say Hello to your spirit and energy body. This in turn awakens your physical body and state of being to it's true vitality, clearing out what doesn't serve. With more conscious awareness about your body, aura, and eternal spirit anything can happen! Ask 1-2 questions about life curiosities or how to remedy a situation. A silent energetic healing closes the session. Leave with an energized spirit energized body. All readings are 1:1 and private (why you won't see any pictures of clients posted). Includes Credit Card Admin Fee. Or pay $200 by Zelle to 312.405.4219

$207 · 50 minutes

3 Session Work Life Clairvoyant Coaching

See '1:1 Single Reading' for session format. Our life perspective and ability to be happy is influenced by the energy we generate, dispense and consume. When life feels imbalanced, challenged, stagnant or unfulfilled, it will have an affect on all energy fields and on the world around - impacting the experience with safety, creativity, health, relationships with others, communication, vision and embodiment of true self. Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? These are the questions that these readings explore and more. With your higher self as the guide, three 50 minute sessions, delivered within 3 months, will each focus on healing the following: * Your baseline energy state * Clarification of Intentions * Deliberate Manifestation So that you embrace the spirit insights and integrate them into your physical life, the mind and physical body are engaged with tangible action plans. These plans diminish limiting thoughts, old habits and outline new behaviors to embrace over time. When your attention goes to manifesting your intentions, energy follows and your world transforms. Themes can include: * Career * Work Life * Health * Wealth * Relationship * Includes Credit Card Admin Fee. Or pre-pay $550 by Zelle to 312.405.4219.

$575 · 50 minutes

Premium 1:1 Three Month Clairvoyant Coaching Plan

Experience transformation with: * Eight 1:1 fifty minute clairvoyant coaching sessions * Each session includes a past life reading * Each session deep dives into healing one chakra energy center i.e., work or life aspect * Customized Life Action plans with each session to target your specific needs * Lifetime access to your session recordings * Two Astral Body Energy Healing sessions * Occasional (up to 4) Shaman Oracle card readings * Weekly 1:1 thirty minute check-ins / Q&A directly with me (up to 12!) * One year of complimentary access to select group gatherings * One year of 25% off chakraTUDE or paid gatherings * 3 month program* By application only * Book free consultation to apply * Online 3 month program* By application only * Book free inquiry session to apply * Online $3,000 to Zelle 312.405.4219 or pay credit card admin fee here.

$3,087.30 · 30 minutes

Shaman Oracle Card Reading; $21 in 2021

Sacred symbols have existed long before time and language. This reading offers a doorway of power, wisdom and understanding of the present, past and future through the invisible realm. As practiced in Shamanism, the symbols and reverence of nature create the bridge to integrate both worlds. This reading provides information to assist you in the process of making decisions or gaining clarity as long as you claim your individual responsibility to answering your question. Includes Credit Card Admin Fee. Or pay $50 by Zelle to 312.405.4219.

$52 · 30 minutes

Gift Card & Pre-Paid 50 Minute Session

See 'Single 1:1 Healing Clairvoyant Reading' for format.

Free · 50 minutes

Irma Vazquez