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Massage Therapy
Energy Healing

Massage Therapy

Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy

In the enchanting realm of the rising sun, "Ashi" for foot and "Atsu" for pressure unite! Brace yourself for Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy - a deep, luxurious massage where therapists groove with gravity, using their feet and body weight to whisk you away on a deep relaxation journey. Watch in awe as they pamper you to the max, all while effortlessly floating through the air and banishing any hint of discomfort.

3 Options

Deep Tissue Therapeutic Massage

This massage is all about setting those tight muscles free, bidding adieu to chronic tension, and welcoming in flexibility, suppleness, and a greater range of motion!

4 Options

Swedish Relaxing Massage

One of the classics in the massage world, Swedish massage is like a jolt of energy for your body, boosting circulation and leaving you feeling refreshed. Therapists work their magic with a mix of kneading, rolling, vibrating, tapping, and drumming moves, offering you a ticket to relaxation city. Plus, the perks of Swedish massage go beyond just feeling good - it can help reduce stress, increase flexibility and improve sleep.

3 Options

Prenatal Massage

Treat yourself to a tailor-made body pampering session to wave goodbye to those pregnancy woes! Take your pick between the classic side-lying position with plush pillows or the futuristic prenatal cushion for a gravity-defying face-down massage extravaganza! We're here to pamper moms-to-be from their second trimester onwards.

6 Options

Himalayan Salt Stone Massage

Harnessing the mystical power of warm Himalayan salt stones, this massage is like hitting the reset button for your body's energy, nerves, and inner pathways. Crafted from the primordial depths of the Himalayas, these magical stones dance on your skin to bring harmony and vitality, melting away stress and knots to bring back a zen-like equilibrium to your whole being.

2 Options

Hot Stone Massage

Basalt stones of all shapes and sizes, ranging from icy cool to toasty warm, join forces in a hot stone massage extravaganza to work their magic on your body, mind, and soul. Toasty stones get the blood and lymph flowing and treat your muscles to a cozy hug. Chilled stones swoop in to fight inflammation, shuffle blood around, and balance out those yin and yang vibes. These stones aren't just for show - they're strategically placed on your body to get your energy flowing or to target those tricky trigger points. The hot-cold combo creates a symphony of healing, making your body dance with a burst of oxygen and blood flow, all while finding its perfect balance.

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Bamboo Massage

During a bamboo therapy session, imagine getting a massage with warm bamboo sticks instead of hands! These magical sticks roll, knead, and stretch your muscles like a gentle yoga session. The warmth seeps deep into your muscles, fast-tracking your relaxation journey. This light to medium pressure massage is your ticket to ultimate chill vibes. Book your zen session with the one and only Mary Katherine!

$130 · 1 hour

Lymphatic Massage

Lymphatic massage is the ultimate body hug, cheering on the lymph fluids as they heroically clean out all the body's junk and gunk. When those fluids get a bit rowdy and cause puffiness, this massage swoops in to bring back the chill vibes.

3 Options


Putting the squeeze on specific spots on your feet, hands, and ears to chill out and bid stress farewell. This whole concept is like a secret map where foot areas lead to different body organs and systems.

$90 · 30 minutes

Manual Lymphatic Drainage (MLD) - Vodder Technique

Dive into the magical world of Manual Lymphatic Drainage - The Vodder Technique, the VIP treatment for your lymph system! Picture a trained therapist (aka Hanni Peterson) delicately dancing on your skin, waving away lymph blockages with a feather-light touch. This technique is like a symphony for your body, guiding lymph fluid to glide effortlessly through its channels -clearing out the gunk, boosting your body's cleanup crew, easing pain, and giving your nervous system a chill pill. Lymphatic drainage is also a key player in the lymphedema game, ensuring your lymph system stays in tip-top shape. So, if your lymph nodes need a little TLC, this therapy swoops in to save the day, rerouting fluid traffic like a pro!

$120 · 1 hour

Myofascial Release Massage

Myofascial Release is like giving your body a spa day with a twist! By gently kneading and stretching the fascial system, we bid farewell to those pesky knots and pave the way for stress to take a hike. This magical technique works wonders for aching necks, sore backs, fibromyalgia woes, and even those stubborn headaches. The journey starts with a close-up inspection of your body's architecture, followed by a soothing tissue massage to ease those tension spots.

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Pediatric Massage - Ages 8 to 17

Let's dive into the magical world of youngster relaxation! Methods could involve a mix of stretching, yoga, gentle pressure over clothes, and classic Swedish techniques. Getting routine massages might help kids and teens ease anxiety, beat the blues, tackle those mysterious growing pains, and catch better Z's. Sporty kids might score bonus points with improved muscle and joint performance. Remember, parents should stick around for the little ones, and teens get to call the shots.

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Abdominal and Visceral Massage

The belly zone is like a treasure map of possible troubles: scoliosis, blues, jitters, past traumas, wonky hips, tummy tantrums, scars, and more can set up camp there. But fear not! By giving those organs and muscles a good ol' massage, you can banish aches and pains, unlock new dance moves, and even make breathing a breeze. Say goodbye to rib and spine pressures! Plus, throw in some cozy heat for extra relaxation. While regular belly rubs focus on muscles, the deep dive of visceral massage targets organs and their trusty sidekicks. Ready to book a session with the one and only Mary Katherine for a belly-friendly journey! 🌟

$90 · 30 minutes

CBD Massage

CBD, the cool kid on the block from cannabis and hops plants, is taking the wellness world by storm! Say goodbye to inflammation, anxiety, and pain with this non-psychoactive gem. No high, just good vibes! Imagine a massage with CBD - the ultimate chill pill for your muscles. Bye-bye arthritis, hello relaxation! Scientifically proven to ease muscle spasms, this massage is like a spa day for your body and mind. So kick back, relax, and let CBD work its magic!

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Aromatherapy Massage - Aroma Design

Unlock the power of aromatherapy with a custom-blended massage oil! Then, indulge in a custom massage using the hand-curated product. Choose from a scent profile perfectly blended to complement the objective of your massage.

23 Options

Energy Healing

Cranial Sacral Therapy

Imagine Cranial Sacral Therapy as a whimsical waltz of delicate head and spine strokes, pampering the cozy nooks of your nervous system. It's like a calming spa day for your brain and backbone, waving goodbye to tension and welcoming a fresh wave of wellness.

$120 · 1 hour


Reiki is like a warm energy cuddle, waving goodbye to stress, calming anxiety, and wrapping you in a blanket of zen. Picture Reiki wizards waving their hands like magic wands, sprinkling you with positivity to amp up your vibes and sprinkle a bit of magic dust on your well-being. This mystical ritual waltzes with your body and soul, making sure you're a shining beacon of positive vibes!

2 Options

Intuitive Reading

Intuitive Readings connect with information about a person’s higher journey and life path. They do this by tapping into different levels of consciousness, reading subtle energy, and even accessing the Akashic Records (a term used in theosophy to describe a “library” of knowledge believed to be encoded in a non-physical realm of existence much like the cloud). Intuitive readings help provide clarity, insight and guidance on your life's journey, current circumstances, patterns, challenges and more.

$150 · 1 hour

Akashic Record Reading

The term "Akashic" originates from the Sanskrit word "Akasha," meaning “ether,” “sky,” or “atmosphere.” Therefore, it is believed that the Akashic Records exist in the ether, on a non-physical plane of existence. Think of the Akashic Records as a spiritual database, akin to a soul's Google search engine. These records encompass every thought, action, and experience throughout your soul's entire journey, spanning across past lives, present incarnations, and potential futures. An Akashic Record Reading provides insight and understanding into your current life circumstances from the perspective of your soul. It serves as a tool for self-discovery, offering a deeper comprehension of oneself, life lessons, and revealing opportunities for personal growth and healing through your soul's viewpoint.

$150 · 1 hour

Chakra Balancing with Crystals

In Eastern medical traditions, the body includes channels known as Chakras, which allow the flow of vital energy called chi or life force. These centers absorb and manage external energy that can lead to imbalances across physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. The seven primary Chakras correspond with the endocrine system, nerve clusters, and organs in the body, influencing them positively or negatively. Engaging in a meditative session can aid in stress reduction by triggering the relaxation response. Chakra balancing aims to align the body's seven main chakras through a blend of Reiki healing energy and crystals. Crystals possess a consistent molecular energy that can intensify, conduct, and charge energy fields to promote alignment and equilibrium.

$120 · 1 hour

Life Coaching

Life coaching counsels and encourages clients through various life challenges focusing on improving a person's well-being. Past trauma, working through triggers, decision making support, developing a mindful practice and routines are all possible goals in seeking a Life Coach. Acting as a cheerleader, support system and neutral voice can provide new footing and positive directional shifts on an individual's path.

$150 · 1 hour

Athena Wagner, LMT

Meet Athena, the ultimate wellness wizard! With a bag full of tricks as a Licensed Massage Therapist, Fitness Guru, Yoga Yogi, and Reiki Rockstar, she graduated from the magical land of AMBI in VA. Specializing in all things relaxing and rejuvenating like myofascial release, trigger point therapy, and prenatal massages, Athena is your go-to gal for a blissful escape. She even sprinkled her journey with certifications in Hatha Yoga and Reiki in 2018, proving she's not just a one-trick pony! Always putting her clients' needs first, Athena makes sure everyone feels like royalty when they step into her wellness world. With a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from GMU, she's on a mission to blend mental health counseling with holistic gems like massage, exercise, and meditation. Athena dreams big and aims to dive into the world of Professional Counseling, championing a holistic approach to health and happiness. Bow down to the wellness queen!

Haley Carspecken, LMT

Haley aced her massage magic studies at the Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage in 2021, snagging the "Most Accomplished Student" crown. Her secret recipe? A blend of hardcore dedication and top-notch skills. With a past life in equestrian adventures and a current love affair with Crossfit, Haley's muscles are made of steel, making her the go-to guru for athletes and anyone craving a deep tissue TLC session. Certified in Sports Massage, she's all about prepping and reviving bodies to conquer each day like a champ!

Hanni Peterson, LMT, MLD-C

Hanni, the magical massage maestro, has been kneading knots since way back in 2004, when she graduated from the Nevada School of Massage Therapy (in Las Vegas, no less!). From wellness clinics to fancy resort spas, she's sprinkled her massage magic all over the place. But wait, there's more! Hanni isn't just about the usual massage moves; she's a guru in Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy and Manual Lymphatic Drainage - Vodder Technique. With a B.S. in Exercise Science from George Mason University and an M.A. in Education from the University of Denver, Hanni's got brains to match her brawn. She's not just a massage maven; she's also a yoga whisperer and a pro at teaching the MELT Method® and Ashiatsu DeepFeet Bar Therapy®.

Marcos Berrios, LMT

Marcos, previously a traveler amidst packages and commerce, now sets forth on a new serene path in massage therapy post-graduation from The Northern Virginia School of Therapeutic Massage. His journey began in the constant hum of engines, where he dedicated eight years to navigating roads. However, feeling the toll on his lower back, Marcos sought a new calling. Guided by the whispers of the digital world, he discovered the profound art of massage therapy. This newfound vocation not only alleviated his discomfort but empowered him to bestow healing to others. Proficient in an array of massage modalities, from the precision of deep tissue techniques to the relaxation of Swedish massage, to the intricacies of trigger point therapy to the warmth of hot stone treatments, the allure of aromatherapy, the art of cupping, the pampering of prenatal, and the finesse of myofascial release, he now curates moments of tranquility and renewal for individuals seeking solace within his capable hands.

Mary Katherine Hawk, LMT

Mary Katherine, rocked her graduation hat from the Advanced Fuller School of Massage back in 2017. Since then, she's been on a wild massage adventure, soaking up therapeutic skills from all corners - teaming up with family docs, acupuncturists, spine crackers, and energy wizards. Fast forward to 2020-2021, and Mary Katherine leveled up with a medical massage certification, diving deep into the world of soft tissue healing. She's a pro in both classic draped massages and fully clothed sessions, perfect for anyone needing that extra bit of TLC. With a knack for deep pressure and a range of techniques, Mary Katherine's mission is to whisk you away to a pain-free paradise. From deep tissue to hot stone, this massage magician has got your back - literally! So, kick back, relax, and let Mary Katherine work her magic with a variety of massage styles including Swedish, cupping, sports, prenatal, reflexology, and even bamboo.

Michele Barlock

Michele's extensive experience of over 30 years in Transformational healing has been enriched through various modalities, certifications, and offerings. Her journey, like many others, has been shaped by unexpected challenges that fueled her deep passion to navigate and transcend undesired circumstances across physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual realms. Among her notable certifications and training are: • Usui Reiki Ryoho Master Teacher (both Eastern and Western branches) • Certified Life Coach • Certified EFT/TFT practitioner • Quantum Touch • Reconnective Healing By offering these healing services, Michele aims to provide a nurturing space where holistic healing encompassing body, mind, and spirit can unfold as well as expand the circle of support and foster connections among individuals.

Pierre Pelletier, LMT

Pierre, the veteran massage therapist at West Trail, has been kneading knots and banishing tension since way back in '94. From elite cyclists to Winter X Games daredevils, he's rubbed shoulders with them all. Now, after a whirlwind of athlete adventures, Pierre's hanging up his sports gear to bloom among the flowers, offering his magic touch to everyday folks craving a boost in their step. Specializing in tailored therapies like myofascial release and stress-busting techniques, Pierre crafts sessions as unique as you are. Whether you're aiming to ace a marathon or just reach that pesky top shelf with ease, Pierre's got your back (literally). Let the wellness journey begin!

Susan Smedley, LMT

Susan, the ultimate multitasker, brings her magic touch to West Trail! With 24 years of massage wizardry under her belt, she's a graduate of the Polarity Realization Institute and a master of customizing sessions to fit your every whim. From gentle lymphatic massages to intense deep tissue work, she's got you covered. Whether you need to unwind or tackle a specific ache, Susan's got a massage trick up her sleeve for nearly every woe.

Virginia White, LMT

Virginia kicked off her massage journey post-graduation from NVCC's School of Therapeutic Massage back in 2017. With a knack for diving deep and zapping those pesky pain points, she's all about unraveling the mystery behind chronic discomfort while giving your whole bod a VIP relaxation pass. In her eyes, every soul is a unique puzzle waiting to be solved, and she's the expert puzzle-solver extraordinaire. Armed with a treasure trove of healing tricks like Deep Tissue, trigger point therapy, Swedish chill-out sessions, and the funky Ashiatsu barefoot massage, she's like a walking encyclopedia of relaxation. Her love for what she does and the surgical precision of her techniques are a one-way ticket to Blissville for her lucky clients.