Book an appointment

Individualized Physical Therapy Appointment--30-45 min

Individualized and hands-on treatment for your pain in ONE BODY REGION (neck and shoulder and hand OR back and hip and leg OR knee and ankle and foot). A 30-45 minute treatment session including deep tissue work and any needed modality such as Shockwave RPW (radial pressure wave), dry needling, NEUBIE electro-therapy, taping, cupping, and exercise prescription. Additionally, FREE targeted Near Infrared Light Therapy to accelerate healing. Pricing includes multiple treatment modalities that in traditional settings are charged separately. As a result of bundling them together in one treatment session we have created significant savings for our clients!

$120 · 30 minutes

Individualized Physical Therapy Treatment--1 hr

Individualized and hands-on treatment for your pain in TWO BODY REGIONS (neck and shoulder and hand OR back and hip and leg OR knee and ankle and foot). A one hour treatment session including deep tissue work and any needed modality such as Shockwave RPW (radial pressure wave), dry needling, NEUBIE electro-therapy, taping, cupping, and exercise prescription. Additionally, FREE targeted Near Infrared Light Therapy to accelerate healing. Pricing includes multiple treatment modalities that in traditional settings are charged separately. As a result of bundling them together in one treatment session we have created significant savings for our clients!

$250 · 1 hour

Personal Training with Renea

$80 · 30 minutes

Individual Red Light Therapy Session

Red Light therapy has over 1000 scientific articles reviewing its ability to speed recovery, lower pain, reduce inflammation, and promote wellness in all populations. Call 501.247.0138 to ask about our reduced rate packages!

$35 · 30 minutes

NEUBIE Foot or Hand Bath

$45 · 30 minutes

Epley Maneuver

Treatment for patients with BPPV (Vertigo).

$40 · 15 minutes


David Houk, PT, CSCS

David Houk, PT, CSCS


Gym Membership Workout Time Reservations


Renea McKenzie

Certified Personal Trainer, CSCS