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Standard Massage Services

Standard Tier Service

Prenatal Therapeutic Massage delivers customized, relief-oriented bodywork to Expecting Persons in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Special considerations are made to keep parent-to-be + unborn baby safe, while effectively neutralizing the aches + pains specifically experienced by Pregnant Bodies. The structural + hormonal changes occurring in preparation for birth can result in new strain + pain throughout the body. Special attention is paid to the neck, back, hips, legs, and feet during this modality, while avoiding acupressure points associated with uterine contractions and heightened sensitivity. A variety of pillows and specialized cushions are used to keep clients comfortable + supported in side-lying or semi-reclined positions, while preventing compression of the vena cava. Myofascial cupping and use of CBD products are also avoided in this service. Prenatal Therapeutic Massage is not recommended during the first trimester due to instability of fetal viability.

Price varies ・ 45 min+

*Because we are not a sterile medical facility, we are unable to provide MLD within the first two weeks of recovery from surgery.*

Standard Tier Service | Manual Lymphatic Drainage is helpful for non-edema fluid retention, post-surgical/injury healing AFTER two weeks, improved blood circulation, chronic pain or inflammation, nervous system regulation + more! | Lymphatic circulation is a vital part of maintaining a healthy immune system. Since lymph does not have a pump that helps it move through the body, like the heart, it relies on muscle and joint movement as its means of circulation. Manual lymphatic drainage can aid significantly in creating and maintaining healthy lymphatic circulation. Consistent sessions can help alleviate common swelling around the feet, ankles, knees, and any other parts of the body that you feel may "hold water" excessively. It is an excellent supplement to anyone suffering from chronic conditions that may limit every day movement. *Lymphatic drainage should not be performed on anyone that is currently sick, or has been sick within the last week.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

The face and head can benefit greatly from cupping. Facial cupping can help relieve old lingering injuries, existing medical conditions, and even provide Esthetic benefits. Utilizing modern cupping therapy for lymphatic drainage (MCTLD) is an excellent way to improve your overall facial health and appearance.

It is important to note that facial and body cupping are different. During a body cupping session, the therapist may leave a cup stationary, which may lead to a mark left on the skin. With facial cupping, we apply very gentle suction and keep the cups moving for the entire time to ensure no marking is left on the face.

Consider facial cupping if you experience any of the following medical issues:

•Sinus congestion

•Facial tension, issues with TMJ

•Head traumas (after injury has fully recovered)

•Post-surgical applications (plastic surgeries, dental procedures)

•Face & head conditions (Bells Palsy, trigeminal neuralgia, facial paralysis)

Facial cupping also has an instant 'mini facelift' effect! By increasing blood flow and circulation of your face, cupping instantly brightens up your mug and provides a noticeable lift that can last all day.

Facial cupping for esthetics can:

•Diminish fine lines

•Reduce hyperpigmentation

•Reduce acne scars

•Reduce pore size

•Increase oxygen-rich blood circulation

•Strengthen skin and connective tissues

•Stimulate cells responsible for collagen production

Results will vary, and are both immediate and cumulative. We offer package pricing for those who wish to offer a series of facial cupping appointments.

$75.00 ・ 30 min

Standard Tier Service | Therapeutic Massage is helpful for general or specific pain management, stress management, anxiety, and much more. | Our default service, Therapeutic Massage is recommended for anyone seeking relief from pain (localized or general), first-time clients, and anyone not requiring special accommodations catered to by our other services. Traditional Swedish massage techniques are used in addition to trigger point therapy, myofascial work, stretching, range of motion work, compression and more. Pressure and applied techniques are catered to each individual client based on needs discussed during intake. “Deep tissue” massage falls under this category.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Standard Tier Service | For clients experiencing cancer, Oncology Massage is helpful for relaxation, sleep quality, immune function, anxiety, pain management, fatigue, nausea + more. | Oncology Massage is an approach to massage therapy based in both compassion and specialized massage treatments to help people manage their experience with cancer. Our LMTs are trained to meet people where they are in their experience with cancer and apply a highly individualized massage treatment to comfort, nurture and support them in their process. 

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Choose this service for custom bodywork focused on relaxing + calming the nervous system by way of more soothing techniques and gentler pressure than is typically used in our Therapeutic Massage service.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Standard Tier Service | Face + Scalp Massage is helpful for allergies + chronic sinusitis, sinus headaches, migraines, brain fog, “heaviness” in the head, TMJ dysfunction, stress management, professional overwhelm + much more. | Facial massage helps by encouraging blood flow to congested areas in the cranium + manually draining the sinuses, leading to reduced pressure, pain + other associated presentations. During this service, the practitioner will use a variety of therapeutic oils from PainKiller Herbals to support relief that lasts. Pressure used may range from gentle to firm, with the soft + sensitive points of the cranium always kept in mind.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Standard Tier Service | Reflexology is helpful for sinus issues, back pain, constipation, anxiety, stress management, arthritis pain, immune support, digestive regulation, + much more! | Acupressure points in the hands and feet interact with structures throughout the entire body. Reflexology is the manipulation of these acupressure points, intended to create results body-wide without actually touching the rest of the body. Though Reflexology can benefit anyone, we especially suggest this service for those that can not receive full-body massage.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Standard Tier Service | Sports Massage is helpful for recovery after bouts of intense physical exertion, maintenance of physical output during long periods of training, recovery from sports-related injuries, restricted range of motion, tendinous or muscular injuries, chronic pain, and more! | Sports massage is an intensive modality that focuses less on relaxation and more on increasing range of motion and stimulating healthy blood flow to aid in recovery. The therapist will use quick, broad strokes, passive + active range of motion stretches, percussive techniques, and temperature controlled therapies to loosen joints, fascia, and release any stored lactic acid and biotoxins that may still be trapped in the muscle.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

What is Modern Cupping Therapy for Lymphatic Drainage (MCTLD)?

Cupping therapy is an excellent tool to assist the Lymphatic System, aka our body's natural 'detox' system, when it's become sluggish due to lifestyle or health related issues. Cups facilitate not only the vaccum-like clearing of underlying tissues, but also enhance the natural drainage process - a systemic "flushing" of various residues and waste materials (such as lactic acid, heat, old blood). Using a lighter suction than other methods of cupping, we address the more superficial layers of anatomy, where lymph filtration occurs. Using a gentle pressure and wave-like motion, we move the body's lymph towards the lymph nodes to be processed and eliminated. Encouraging lymphatic drainage can help jump start the body's natural methods of detoxification.

Who should consider receiving MCTLD?

Consider MCTLD if you:

•Live a sedentary lifestyle - living a sedentary lifestyle can inhibit the natural flow of lymph that muscle contractions facilitate. By remaining in a seated position for long periods of time, we unintentionally compress the body's lymph nodes, restricting the detoxification process.

•Live an active lifestyle - active individuals may accumulate body aches from overexertion, either from exercise or playing/training for a sport. Inflammation from past sports-related injuries can add to this. Inflammation can dry out bodily tissue, altering the layers of anatomy where lymph vessels travel, and thereby inhibiting drainage. Cupping can help get rid of that inflammation and lactic acid, while simultaneously replenishing previously dehydrated tissues with new blood supplies. Out with the waste stagnation, in with the healthy blood!

•Have undergone surgery or have acquired scars from surgery - any surgical procedure that makes an incision into the body is essentially cutting through the web of delicate lymph vessels that runs through the body.

•Are taking medications for a prolonged period, such as steroids - Years of medications can hinder natural removal of lymph, as substances can cause lymph to thicken and potentially overload the system with toxicity. Drug addictions can take a similar toll, in fact- the longer the drug use, the more challenged the lymphatic system.

•Experience symptoms without an underlying medical cause - these may include: feeling lethargic, lingering muscle aches that won't go away naturally, repetitive colds or a general lingering feeling of malaise, poor overall circulation.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Specialty Massage Services

Enjoy the benefits of Thai Bodywork in a format that closer resembles our Therapeutic Massage services. During this service, LMTs guide clients through stretches using the height of the massage table for more dynamic leverage, targeting tension that is difficult to address through other forms of table work. Bodyweight + compressive techniques are used to unlock many layers of tension to effect the deeper tissues. As with Traditional Thai Bodywork, clients remain clothed during this service.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Specialty Tier Service | Myofascial Release is helpful for migraines, pain that presents on one side or in one area of the body, chronic back pain, endometriosis, sciatica, bladder dysfunction, fibromyalgia, birth-related injuries, sports injuries, chronic fatigue syndrome, bursitis, + much more! | Myofascial Release aims to reduce pain and restore motion in restricted tissues through gentle, sustained pressure, allowing the fascia to relax. MFR is slow-paced and specific. It doesn’t hurt, but requires patience, as it takes time for restricted tissue to soften.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Specialty Tier Service | Abdominal Unlocking is beneficial for chronic musculoskeletal pain, digestive stagnation or excess, headaches and migraines, sciatica, back, hip and knee pain, repetitive strain injuries, e.g. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, whiplash and other physical trauma, shoulder periarthritis and capsulitis, restricted range of motion, post-surgical pain and scar tissue, swallowing difficulties, endometriosis, neuromotor problems, + much more! | The abdomen is one of the most neglected regions of the body, but secretly can harbor the true roots of widespread, chronic ailment. Abdominal Unlocking sessions are 60 to 120 minute sessions during which Myofascial Release, Visceral Manipulation and/or traditional Thai techniques are used to address adhesion & stagnation in all layers of the abdomen, yielding relief that resonates.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Specialty Tier Service | Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is helpful for migraines, headaches, chronic pain, motor-coordination impairments, central nervous system disorders, orthopedic problems, scoliosis, chronic fatigue, stress and tension-related problems, fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders, temporomandibular joint syndrome (TMJ) and dental challenges, immune disorders, post-surgical dysfunction + more! | “CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on method of evaluating and enhancing the functioning of a physiological body system called the craniosacral system - comprised of the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. Using a soft touch generally no greater than 5 grams, or about the weight of a nickel, practitioners release restrictions in the craniosacral system, which has been shown to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, as well as many other systems of the body, such as digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory, circulatory, and more. CST has also been shown to help with the physical components related to such somatic conditions as Post Traumatic Stress, depression and anxiety.” - CST as defined by the Upledger Institute | *Our massage therapists that offer CST have received their trainings from a variety of schools. For inquiries regarding specific LMTs and their specific trainings, please contact Mackenzie at mack@resolvebodyworksrva.com.

Price varies ・ 45 min+

Basalt lava stones are polished, smoothed, heated and incorporated into a restorative therapeutic massage experience. Excellent for loosening muscles, relieving stress, and easing tension- hot stone therapy is great for stubborn muscles and overall relaxation of the central nervous system. Heated to between 110 and 130 degrees, the stones are hot enough to warm and relax your muscles but not too hot to cause skin irritation. Heat has an instantaneous relaxation effect on muscles, serving as an excellent tool to access deeper layers of muscle tissue in especially problematic areas of muscle tension.

Medical conditions which may benefit from Hot Stone Massage:

•Autoimmune disorders - Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis and a number of other autoimmune related conditions.

•Chronic muscle spasms, tension and pain

I•Insomnia, anxiety, depression

Price varies ・ 1 hr 30 min+

Specialty Tier Service | TMJ Release is helpful for localized relief of pain, increased range of motion, decreased need to clench your jaw, reduction of jaw clicking, minimized ear ringing, and increased fascial circulation. | External and Intraoral TMJ Release is a technique under the Craniosacral umbrella that provides relief of chronic temporomandibular joint-related ailment. Using gentle pressure, the practitioner targets the structure of the jaw to yield therapeutic results as needed. Intraoral techniques involve the practitioner manipulating the tissue and structure inside the mouth. While the client is unmasked during this work, the practitioner is donned with face mask, face shield, and medical gloves.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Specialty Tier Service | Traditional Thai Bodywork is helpful for general tension, cross-body restrictions, leg + low back pain, knee pain, nerve pain and much more. | TTB is a slow-paced healing session during which the therapist uses their hands, feet, elbows, and knees to compress the muscles, stimulate acupressure points and gently stretch the body, allowing deep relaxation, decompression, opening and relief.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Sound Healing + Energetic Services

Immerse yourself in a holistic healing experience with our Full-Service Sound Healing Session, a comprehensive journey designed to promote deep relaxation, emotional balance, and energetic alignment. This session beautifully combines the resonant sounds of singing bowls, unweighted tuning forks, nature sound immersion, chakra cleansing, and balancing to create a transformative experience for individuals or small groups.

During your Full-Service Sound Healing Session, you’ll be guided through a serene and nurturing environment where the power of sound will envelop you. The session begins with a brief intention-setting process, allowing you to focus on your healing goals—whether it’s stress relief, emotional clarity, or energetic realignment.

To book a group Sound Healing Session, email mack@resolvebodyworksrva.com.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Experience the profound benefits of sound therapy with our general and targeted sound healing services, designed to alleviate pain + stress, promote relaxation, and facilitate energy realignment. Utilizing a harmonious blend of weighted and unweighted tuning forks, sound immersion instruments, and crystal singing bowls, these sessions offer a tailored approach to your unique healing needs.

In a serene and nurturing environment, you will be guided through a brief intention-setting process to clarify your goals for the session. Whether you seek relief from chronic pain, stress reduction, or a deep sense of relaxation, our sound healing sessions are customized to address your specific needs.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Discover the transformative power of sound with our Tuning Fork Therapy. This unique healing modality utilizes a variety of specialized tuning forks to promote balance, harmony, and well-being within your mind, body, and spirit. Each session is tailored to your individual needs, harnessing the frequencies of weighted and unweighted forks to facilitate deep relaxation and energetic alignment.

As you settle into a comfortable position, you will be guided through a brief intention-setting process to clarify your goals for the session. The gentle vibrations of the tuning forks will then be introduced, either placed directly on or near your body, or used to create a soothing soundscape in the space around you. The session fosters a tranquil atmosphere, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the healing experience.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Energy work sessions offer a gentle, non-invasive therapeutic approach to support the body's natural healing abilities. By integrating Reiki, Pranic, and crystal healing techniques, these sessions aim to eliminate stagnation, address energetic imbalances, and promote harmony within the body's energy systems, facilitating physical, emotional, mental, and energetic healing. Each session begins with a comprehensive consultation to discuss the client's intentions and needs, followed by a fully clothed energy scan to identify areas of imbalance. Utilizing a primarily hands-off technique, we facilitate the release of stagnant energy and negativity, clearing the pathway for renewal. Subsequently, employing the potent hands-on energies of Reiki and crystals, we replenish and revitalize the client's energetic field. At the session's conclusion, clients receive personalized practices to support and sustain their energy hygiene.

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Price varies ・ 30 min+

Combo Services

A combination of our Traditional Thai Bodywork + Face & Scalp Massage services. Choose this service if you need to be deeply stretched out, but also want to prioritize the profound tension + stress-relief achieved via face + scalp massage.

*This service occurs on a cushioned mat on the floor, while the client remains fully clothed. Not recommended for those with difficulty getting up and down from the ground.*

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Traditional Thai Bodywork with the addition of steamed herbal compresses (heat therapy) for an aromatic, deeply relaxing and tension-relieving experience.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

*A staff favorite!* A combination of Craniosacral + Myofascial Release Therapies - for relief that resonates. This service is highly beneficial for those suffering from chronic pain, autoimmune disorders, old injuries that now impact postural discomfort, headaches, cross-body tension, long-term stress, and much more. Techniques are typically gentle and sustained, but can often be felt body-wide and profoundly. This is the service to book if you really want to learn about your body!

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

*Not recommended within the first trimester of pregnancy.* A combination of our Prenatal + Face & Scalp Massage services. For people in the second or third trimester of pregnancy, this service is a great way to alleviate body-wide aches + pains while designating specific time for the profound stress relief that scalp work can bring. This service can also help folks who are avoiding pharmaceuticals during pregnancy manage their seasonal allergies!

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our Reflexology + Reiki services. This service involves the intentional stimulation of acupressure points in the hands and/or feet to achieve each client’s desired outcome, blended with Reiki as seen fit. This service is beneficial for those with plantar fasciitis, chronic foot pain, gastrointestinal complications, and generalized pain that is difficult to relieve.

*This is not a full-body massage. Hands-on focus is on the hands and/or feet, while energetic services such as Reiki, are largely hands-off.*

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Our Therapeutic Massage service with the addition of steamed herbal compresses (heat therapy) for an aromatic, deeply relaxing and tension-relieving experience.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Our Sports Massage service incorporating the use of myofascial cupping. Techniques used are faster paced than those used in our other services, and generally target specific areas of the body to facilitate rest and recovery around bouts of exercise. Vacuum, silicone, and/or ionic cups may be used.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

*Not recommended within the first trimester of pregnancy.* A blend of our Prenatal Therapeutic Massage + Reiki, this service is excellent to promote deep relaxation, restoration and pain management for folks in the second or third trimester of pregnancy.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our Oncology Massage + Reiki services. For cancer patients, this service can support relaxation + soothing of the nervous system during an incredibly stressful and uncertain time. Treatment considerations are made based on each client’s symptoms, ability to cover from soft tissue work, and skin fragility.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our Therapeutic Massage + Myofascial Release services. Choose this if you experience complex, postural restrictions that prevent your injury recovery or pain management from progressing. 

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our Therapeutic Massage + Abdominal Unlocking services. Choose this if you suffer from non-inflammatory digestive complications, difficulty breathing deeply, low back pain, hip pain, and more.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Traditional Thai Bodywork incorporating the use of fire cupping to facilitate multi-layered relief of tension and alleviation of stagnation.

*This service occurs on a cushioned mat on the floor. The client remains fully clothed except for when cups are applied, during which time professional draping is used to keep clients appropriately and modestly covered. This service involves the use of an open flame, and is not recommended for those with difficulty getting up and down from the ground.*

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our Therapeutic Massage + TMJ Release services. Choose this if you suffer from jaw issues, headaches, or chronic neck + upper back pain.

Price varies ・ 45 min+

A combination of our Therapeutic Massage + Craniosacral Therapy services. Choose this if you experience chronic, unresolved pain, or are in need of a deep reset. This service includes the assessment + treatment of blockages within the craniosacral system (which includes the cranium, spine, sacrum, and cerebrospinal fluid) and soft tissue therapy, in whichever order your body needs.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

A combination of our standard therapeutic service with the addition of Fire Cupping therapies interwoven into the session.

*This service involves the use of an open flame.*

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

*A staff favorite!* A combination of our Therapeutic + Face & Scalp Massage Services. Choose this service to ensure the space to address body-wide aches and pains, while dedicating plenty of time to working the face + scalp. 

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Our Therapeutic Massage service blended with Reiki as needed to help you feel reset and restored. 

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Our Therapeutic Massage service intuitively incorporating a blend of energy work modalities. Choose this service if you typically have a tough time relaxing during massages, or if you are in need of an energetic clearing to feel your best.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

Grief Massage Program

Grief is one of the most stressful events we will experience in our lives, and our bodies will feel the impact whether we’re aware of it or not. Our Grief Massage Program will equip you with the space, resources and tools to navigate the grieving process -- in a SUPPORTED way -- while providing the focused bodywork needed to prevent grief-linked pain from taking chronic root within your body. Ultimately, Grief Massage is about bringing awareness back to your body during times of extreme emotional duress. While intentionally addressing areas heavily affected by grief, we aim to create a safe space in which your body can completely relax, in order to completely heal -- without expectations. We are not licensed mental health professionals, and we recommend that Grief Massage Program clients seek mental health counseling additionally. We will provide the resources to help you do so.

Price varies ・ 1 hr+

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