Customized shape to accommodate styling foundation.
$50.00 ・ 30 min
get your hair care essentials before getting your protective style. Includes shampoo deep conditioning treatment blow dry leave in treatment Length and thickness are subject for increase in pricing. Don't forget to add a trim for added protection
$55.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min
leave in protein treatment for added protection
$15.00 ・ 5 min
hydrate dry or damaged hair
$45.00 ・ 30 min
One on one consultation to evaluate your hair, scalp, and overall look you want to achieve. Bring 3 pictures that look like your hair type texture and desired length
Price varies ・ 5 min+
a first-time visit to the salon for Vew Clients or clients who haven't been to the salon in six (6)months or more. includes all of your hair care needs: *Scalp Scrub and Detox service *Moisture balance shampoo *Repair and hydration steam treatment *Protective leave in treatment *Trim and *Style excludes chemical services and extensions
$160.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min
get your hair color back on track by correcting unwanted hues and tones. includes treatments and trim * This is a starting price. Length, thickness, and time are subjects in increased pricing* After 60m a $10 per 20m charge will be added to service. consultation required.
Consultation required ・ 2 hr
grab your one of a kind color that cant' be duplicated. Length and thickness are subject for increase in pricing.
Consultation required before service ・ 2 hr 30 min
Trying color for the 1st time or going full out to brighten your hair. Partial 3-15 foils Full 50-100 foils this is a starting price. Length and thickness are subjects for increase in pricing.
Price varies ・ 1 hr+
Express yourself with a full color change. Length and thickness are subject to an increase in pricing. consultation required.
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Smooth and straighten curls. Virgin hair is 2ins. and over. Retouch 1 1.5ins. or less Length and thickness are subject for increase in pricing.
Price varies ・ 30 min
Using a flat iron to smooth curly hair or waves without the use of chemicals. This is a starting price. Length thickness and curl pattern are subjects for increase in pricing.
$135.00 ・ 1 hr 45 min
Add curls and bounce to your style. Length and thickness are subject for increase in pricing.
Price varies ・ 1 hr 30 min
Add head turner to your resume using flat irons and/or Marcel irons to achieve your look. Includes shampoo deep conditioning treatment and mold down
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Get ready for your special occasion with an elegant updo of curl and waves, add beads or jewels for even more glam. This is a starting price. Length and thickness are subject to an increase in pricing.
$135.00 ・ 2 hr 40 min
Define curls or waves with the low maintenance style. Last up to 3 weeks with proper at home care. This is a starting price. Length and thickness are subject to an increase in pricing.
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Consultation is required for all extension services.
Price varies ・ 30 min+
Add these services to complement the finishing touches.
Price varies ・ 30 min
Starting price, these services are pertaining to hair thinning and alopecia requires consultation
Price varies ・ 30 min+