Plans include: 2D scan, Heartbeat, Gender Reveal, and Estimated Due Dates All digital photos taken will be sent to your phone or device *Must be within 15 to 34 weeks for best image quality of the facial features.* *Must drink 32oz of water within 1 hour, AN HOUR prior to your appointment.* *Must eat or drink something cold or sugary 15 minutes prior to scanning for best results* Example: You drink 4 glasses of water (8oz each) between 7am-8am, and your appointment is at 9am.
$60 ・ 1 hr
Plans include: 2D and 3D scans, Heartbeat, Gender Reveal, and Estimated Due Dates All digital photos taken will be sent to your photo or device *Must be within 15 to 34 weeks for best image quality of the facial features.* *Must drink 32oz of water within 1 hour, AN HOUR prior to your appointment.* *Must eat or drink something cold or sugary 15 minutes prior to scanning for best results* Example: You drink 4 glasses of water (8oz each) between 7am-8am, and your appointment is at 9am.
$70 ・ 1 hr
Plans include: 2D, 3D, 4D, and iLive scans, Heartbeat, Gender Reveal, and Estimated Due Dates All digital photos taken will be sent to your phone or device. *Must be within 24 to 34 weeks for best image quality of the facial features.* *Must drink 32oz of water within 1 hour, AN HOUR prior to your appointment.* *Must eat or drink something cold or sugary 15 minutes prior to scanning for best results* Example: You drink 4 glasses of water (8oz each) between 7am-8am, and your appointment is at 9am.
$80 ・ 1 hr