
Full-body massage incorporating long strokes, gentle nurturing stress relief. Aromatherapy and foot massage included

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Full-body massage incorporating long strokes and gentle nurturing stress relief. Aromatherapy and foot massage included.

$90.00 ・ 1 hr 15 min

Full-body massage incorporating long strokes and gentle nurturing stress relief. Aromatherapy and foot massage included.

$100.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min

Structural integration, sports massage, trigger point therapy and deeper work to address chronic conditions or active recovery.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Structural integration, sports massage, trigger point therapy and deeper work to address chronic conditions or active recovery.

$90.00 ・ 1 hr 15 min

Structural integration, sports massage, trigger point therapy and deeper work to address chronic conditions or active recovery.

$100.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min

Full-body, breath-based, deeply loving, relaxing and therapeutic. Relieves tension naturally through nurturing, repetitive movements. Light rotations and stretches gently open all the major joints. ( Big Island Style)

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Full-body, breath-based, deeply loving, relaxing and therapeutic. Relieves tension naturally through nurturing, repetitive movements. Light rotations and stretches gently open all the major joints. ( Big Island Style)

$100.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min

Fully-clothed traditional shiatsu session on the massage table, incorporating trigger point therapy, gentle rocking, stretching, and foot reflexology. Please wear loose, comfortable clothing.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Yomassage® is a fully-clothed session that combines restorative yoga poses and massage therapy. Five poses may include supported bend, seated forward fold, light twist, held for 8-10 minutes each. Includes hands-on massage and guided spoken meditation.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Gentle, side-lying massage incorporating long nurturing strokes with focus on lower back, shoulders, legs, and feet.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Gentle, side-lying massage incorporating long nurturing strokes with focus on lower back, shoulders, legs, and feet.

$90.00 ・ 1 hr 15 min

Gentle, side-lying massage incorporating long nurturing strokes with focus on lower back, shoulders, legs, and feet.

$100.00 ・ 1 hr 30 min

Stimulates the lymphatic system with gentle massage strokes. The light rhythmical massage encourages the lymphatic system to eliminate metabolic waste products, harmful bacteria, and excess fluid.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

Fully clothed 30 minute chair massage followed by 30 minute foot massage/reflexology aromatherapy session.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

40 minute full-body Swedish relaxation session followed by 20 minute Thai foot reflexology, using a traditional wooden tool to activate therapeutic trigger points.

$80.00 ・ 1 hr

30 min stress-relieving session incorporating shiatsu with focus on neck and shoulders and includes legs, arms, and low back.

$35.00 ・ 30 min

For those who spend much time on the computer or who carry chronic stress in shoulders and upper back.

$35.00 ・ 30 min

Shiatsu foot sequence, reflexology, stroking, pivoting, kneading, ankle rotation. Varying amounts of pressure in a relaxing setting.

$35.00 ・ 30 min

Using a traditional wooden tool, we activate pressure points on the feet. These trigger points provide a map of the whole body and the organs.

$28.00 ・ 20 min

30 min. Fully-clothed Shiatsu session on the massage table incorporating trigger point therapy, gentle rocking, stretching and foot reflexology.

$35.00 ・ 30 min

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