Fall is coming, and Change is in the air.

Castle Rock Beer Co.

As The Leaves Are Changing,
So Are We...
Change comes into our lives much like the flow of the seasons: Slowly at first, until you at last look up...and everything is different. In moments like these you reset, take stock and then adjust for what's important in your lives. Our family is no different.

Castle Rock Beer Company will be changing in the coming weeks as our family steps away from the brewing world, and we turn the dream over to two new men (who you'll meet below) and their families.

When we first chased down the dream of having our own brewery, we were just a newly-wed couple with a wild idea of running our own place. Many of you have been a part of our lives since the beginning of this dream, and over the years you've watched as we've become a growing family - first Taryn, and now a new little-man joining us in November.

We're so excited to be welcoming the little guy, but with new additions, we've had to make the hard choice - the best choice - for our family to move on to other opportunities. As the transition happens here in the coming weeks, Mark will be around a bit to help get the new guys up and running, and Jess & Taryn will be popping in and out. As you have time, we'd love to be able to see as many of you as we can and give everyone our best!
It has been our absolute pleasure in serving you over the years and being a part of your lives, just like you've been a part of ours! The memories you helped us create have forever touched our lives, and we hope that we've brought a bit of laughter and sunshine into yours. 

We thank you all, from the bottom of our hearts.
~Mark, Jess, Taryn & Charlie
Introducing the New Team!
We're thrilled to be able to introduce the New Team at Castle Rock Beer Company - Bill B. & Tyler B. - and are excited for them to be starting the dream of running a brewery! We hope that you'll show them as much love as you've shown us over the years. We asked them to tell us a bit about themselves:
Bill B.
I began home brewing in 2005 and discovered that my burgeoning interest in craft brewing was not only a fascination for the origins of beer styles and ingredients, but also the regional influences on global and historical characteristics. Inspiration combined with the chemistry, biology and the art of brewing, I began creating beers that transcend the original styles with modern day creativity. I have continued with this philosophy, even when making styles of beer that I didn’t care for. Embarking on this venture is a broadening of who I am. Make a product that focuses on quality, engage in and be a positive influence in the neighborhood, and bring fun jobs to the local community. To me, this is family. 
Tyler B.
I moved to Colorado from Indiana in 1996 and started a career in technology. Over the last 21+ years my focus has always been on the customer and on growing the careers of the folks around me. After many years, it is easy for me to say that it is more about the people than it is about the technology. 
I was a fan of beer before moving to Colorado, but the craft and home brew community has grown an interest into a passion. It is this love of family, people, craft beer, and locals that drove me to the brewery industry. This is where I will work to showcase our craft beer and support of the craft brewing community. 
In the coming transition, the Brewery will be open and operating normally through Sunday, September 16th - but after that we'll be closed for a bit as we renovate and reset a few things. Castle Rock Beer Company will then reopen with a New Team in the same location once we get things all redone!

 So, keep an eye out for that, and we can't wait to see what deliciousness Bill & Tyler can brew up for everyone!