update on Kuneo / Studio giving

wrapping up 2015 donations

A Brief Word from Mike
Dear Studio / Kuneo Community:

As we wrap up 2015, I wanted to thank you for your generosity, share with you a report on 2015 giving and invite you to make a final donation for 2015.

The good news...
In 2015, we budgeted $30,000 in income from Kuneo/Studio donations. To date we've received roughly $32,000!!!  That's about 30% more than the previous year. Thank you!

The challenge...
I think that today and tomorrow, we can raise at least another $3,000 to raise our total giving to $35,000. If we can do that, we can make some much needed improvement to fix up Union's walls that have been chipped and dinged over time. Also, I will voluntarily play the Melodica with the Misfit Whatevers TWO TIMES this coming Lent as an act of penance for whatever I have done wrong in my life. 

The reality...
I think it's important to give to the things that give us life. Union is a godsend to me and to my family. Rachel and I dedicate 10% of my income and some from hers every month to Union. I wouldn't ask y'all to donate to something we aren't willing to give to ourselves. Thank you for all that you do to make Union amazing!

By the end of January, recurring donations will once again be available through our website. Please bear with us (and keep giving supporting us) in the meantime. Thank you!